Thursday, January 25, 2018

“It is two minutes to midnight”

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity Thursday, moving it ahead by 30 seconds after what the organization called a “grim assessment” of the state of geopolitical affairs.
“As of today,” Bulletin president Rachel Bronson told reporters, “it is two minutes to midnight” — as close as the world has ever been to the hour of apocalypse.
In moving the clock forward, the group cited “the failure of President Trump and other world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and climate change.”
The organization — which has 15 Nobel Laureates on its board — now believes “the world is not only more dangerous now than it was a year ago; it is as threatening as it has been since World War II,” Bulletin officials Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert Rosner wrote in an op-ed published Thursday by The Washington Post. “In fact, the Doomsday Clock is as close to midnight today as it was in 1953, when Cold War fears perhaps reached their highest levels.”
The last time the clock advanced so far, the United States had just tested its first thermonuclear device, and the Soviet Union had tested a hydrogen bomb.
Today, Bronson said, “to call the world’s nuclear situation dire is to understate the danger and its immediacy.”

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Changes and Omissions to Daniel & Revelation

Image result for daniel and the revelation uriah smith 1918
Recently I was able to acquire a copy of the ‘Daniel and Revelation’ by Uriah Smith dated 1918.   Since then I have been comparing this with the modern one.  I have only read a small portion, so there may be a lot more.

There have been changes to sentence construction, and although this might make it more modern, it was not entirely unnecessary, as the wording of Brother Smith is completely understandable. Here is an example of changes to sentence construction.

Here is an example.  The original states, “Having taken the book, the Lamb proceeds at once to open the seals and the attention of the apostle is called to the scenes that transpire under each seal.  The number seven has already been noticed as denoting in the Scriptures completeness and perfection.”  p431.

The later one states, “The Lamb takes the book and proceeds at once to open the seals.  The attention of the apostle is called to the scenes that transpire under each seal.    The number seven has already been noticed as denoting completeness and perfection in the Scriptures.”   p425.
But the main difference is the omission of everything relating to Christ being the literal Son of God.  On page 422 and 423 of the new edition, relating to ‘A Clean Universe (Revelation 4:13.14), a large amount has been omitted, half of which is shown below.  This is the part that refers to Christ.

Commencing with a sentence in both books, the old version says, “To the Lamb, equally with the Father who sits upon the throne, praise is ascribed in this song of adoration.

‘Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.’  Revelation 5:13.”

Many read these words and see a Trinity, but Brother Smith tried to avoid this conclusion by his words.  “Commentators, with great unanimity, have seized upon this as proof that Christ must be coeval (same age) with the Father; for otherwise, say they, here would be worship paid to the creature which belongs only to the Creator.  But this does not seem to be a necessary conclusion.  The Scriptures nowhere speak of Christ as a created being, but on the contrary plainly state that he was begotten of the Father. [See remarks on Rev 3:13, where it is shown that Christ is not a created being] 

The remarks on Rev 3:13 on page 400 are as follows, “Some attempt by this language to uphold the error that Christ was a created being, dating his existence anterior to that of any other created being or thing, next to the self-existent and eternal God.  But the language does not necessarily imply that he was created;  the word, ‘the beginning of the creation’, may simply signify that the work of creation, strictly speaking, was begun by him…. Christ is the agent through whom God created all things, but that the Son came into existence in a different manner, as he is called ‘the only begotten’ of the Father. It would seem utterly inappropriate to apply this expression to any being created in the ordinary sense of that term.”

Continuing the original section on p430,  “But, while as the Son he does not possess a co-eternity of past existence with the Father, the beginning of his existence, as the begotten of the Father, antedates the entire work of creation, in relation to which he stands as joint creator with God.  John 1:3; Heb 1:2.   
Could not the Father ordain that to such a being worship should be rendered equally with himself, without it’s being idolatry on the part of the worshipper?    He has raised him to positions which make it proper that he should be worshipped, and has even commanded that worship should be rendered him, which would not have been necessary had he been equal with the Father in eternity of existence.  Christ himself declares that ‘as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.’  John 5:26.  The Father has ‘highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name.’  Phil 2:9.   And the Father himself says, ‘Let all the angels of God worship him’. Heb 1:6.   These testimonies show that Christ is now an object of worship equally with the Father;  but they do not prove that with him he holds an eternity of past existence.”   Daniel and the Revelation p430. 1918 edition. Uriah Smith

There may be other references to Christ as God’s Son that are specific, however, I have not compared the whole book.   I feel this is enough to see that the work was done with a purpose.    Our Prophet Said

The very Omega of apostasy?

The doctrine of the Trinity is a cruel heathen monstrosity, removing Jesus from his true position of Divine Savior and Mediator. It is true we can not measure or define divinity. It is beyond our finite understanding, yet on this subject of the personality of God the Bible is very simple and plain. The Father, the Ancient of Days, is from eternity. Jesus was begotten of the Father. Jesus speaking through the Psalmist says: “The Lord (Jehovah) has said unto me, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.”—Psalm 2:7.

Again in Proverbs (where Jesus is spoken of under the title of wisdom, See 1 Cor. 1:24), we read: “The Lord (Jehovah) possessed me in the beginning of his way”.—v. 22
“Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth.”—v. 24

The Son says he was brought forth, begotten, born of His Father (Jehovah).…
Satan has taken some heathen conception of a three-headed monstrosity, and with deliberate intention to cast contempt upon divinity, has woven it into Romanism as our glorious God, an impossible, absurd invention. This monstrous doctrine transplanted from heathenism into the Roman Papal Church is seeking to intrude its evil presence into the teachings of the Third Angel’s Message.…

If we should go back to the immortality of the soul, purgatory, eternal torment and the Sunday Sabbath, would that be anything less than apostasy? If, however, we leap over all these minor, secondary doctrines and accept and teach the very central root, doctrine of Romanism, the Trinity, and teach that the son of God did not die, even though our words seem to be spiritual, is this anything else or anything less than apostasy, and the very Omega of apostasy?…    The Trinity, Letter to General Conference President in 1939. Judson S. Washburn

The deity of Christ

"Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, it is said in the  Scriptures, "He is the only Begotten of the Father." The Son of God was not created like other creatures are brought into existence. He is not a created but a Begotten Being, enjoying all the attributes of His Father. Christ Himself explains His own  relationship to the Father as follows: "As the Father had life in Himself," unborrowed, underived, original, independent, and immortal, "so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself." John 5:26.  And God gave Christ "authority to execute judgment, also, because He is the Son of man." John 5:27. If He had been God in His own right, the Father could not have delegated to Christ authority in the execution of judgment but it was delegated to Him "because He is the Son of man." “I can of my own self do nothing." John 5:30. ...

If there is one truth that the Bible teaches, it is that there is only one absolute God and none beside Him who is an absolute God. In the 15th chapter of First Corinthians, Paul teaches this doctrine so there can be no doubt as to Christ's subordination and submission to the Father. Paul says: "Then cometh the end, when He (Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; ... For He (the Father) hath put all things under His (Christ's) feet. But that He (God) is excepted, which did put all things under Him (Christ). And when all things shall be subdued unto Him (Christ), then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him (God) that put all things under Him (Christ), that God may be all in all." 1 Cor. 15:24-28.

Here Paul clearly teaches that God is not subject to Christ, but that Christ is subject to the Father, who gave all authority to Him. Whatever Christ is, whatever authority He has, whatever attributes He possesses, may be all in all and above all. Paul says, “Ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's." 1 Cor. 3:23. Again says Paul: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ ... and the head of Christ is God." 1 Cor. 11:3. Christ Himself said: "I go unto the Father; for my Father is greater than I.” John 14:28." The Deity of Christ p. 3,4. Charles Longacre.

They who have read our remarks on the death of the Son of God know that we firmly believe in the divinity of Christ

"Many theologians really think that the Atonement, in respect to its dignity and efficacy, rests upon the doctrine of a trinity. But we fail to see any connection between the two.
To the contrary, the advocates of that doctrine really fall into the difficulty which they seem anxious to avoid.
Their difficulty consists in this: They take the denial of a trinity to be equivalent to a denial of the divinity of Christ. Were that the case, we should cling to the doctrine of a trinity as tenaciously as any can; but it is not the case. 

They who have read our remarks on the death of the Son of God know that we firmly believe in the divinity of Christ; but we cannot accept the idea of a trinity, as it is held by Trinitarians, without giving up our claim on the dignity of the sacrifice made for our redemption."    

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The more healthy foods children consume, the higher their IQs.

A diet low in sugars, fats and processed foods consumed at a young age may increase your intelligence, research finds.
Children under 3-years-old fed diets that are packed full of nutrients and vitamins have higher IQs.
The more healthily they eat, the higher their IQ.
The study followed the wellbeing and health of 14,000 children born between 1991 and 1992 in the UK.
What they ate was tracked up to the age of 8, when they were given an intelligence test.
The results showed that children who ate a health-conscious diet including more salad, rice, pasta, fish and fruit had higher IQs at age 8.
Those consuming more junk food high in fats and sugars had lower IQs.
The study’s authors conclude that:
“…a poor diet associated with high fat, sugar and processed food content in early childhood may be associated with small reductions in IQ in later childhood, while a healthy diet, associated with high intakes of nutrient rich foods described at about the time of IQ assessment may be associated with small increases in IQ.”

The negative effects of electromagnetic fields

Dr. Mercola January 08, 2018
The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and controversy worldwide. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily. You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too. Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi, to name just a few of the culprits.
While it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it. Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being. Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible. If you have been told EMFs are safe and not a danger to humans, you may want to consider:
  • The telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts leaving consumers confused and unaware of the health risks associated with EMFs
  • Any negative health effects from EMFs, similar to smoking, may not be immediately noticeable, but will likely develop gradually over time. Cell phones indeed are the cigarette public health threat of the 21st century.

  • Exposure to microwave radiation from baby monitors, cellphones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and other wireless devices causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage.
  • Excessive free radicals triggered by microwave exposure from wireless technologies have been linked to anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, cardiac arrhythmias, depression and infertility
  • The negative effects of EMFs are particularly harmful to pregnant women, putting their child at risk for ADHD and autism, as well as behavioral, emotional and social issues.
  • In addition to using wired connections for your phone and computer, strategies that may help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs include optimizing your magnesium level and eating Nrf2-boosting foods.

Health Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating

Restricting Eating Times Boosts Quality of Life in Neurodegenerative Disease

Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of Americans, especially those who are elderly or approaching old age. These diseases can cause rapid decline and loss of both one’s well-being and one’s ability to care for oneself. Although there are several treatments that can improve or extend the lives of people living with neurodegenerative disease, there currently are no cures. As a result, most treatments are focused on slowing disease progression and improving quality of life in the meantime. New studies have found that restricting eating times may be an effective way to improve quality of life for those who suffer from these diseases.

This is hardly the first study to find benefits for people and animals who restrict their eating times. People who have restricted eating times are less likely to be obese, to have diabetes and other metabolic issues, and to develop cardiovascular disease. Although time-restricted eating has been shown to reduce caloric intake, these benefits have been shown to occur when test subjects eat the same number of calories overall.

How can timing matter so much? There appear to be several factors. First, eating affects the circadian rhythm, serving as a cue to the time of day. When people eat late in the evening or at night, it can cause delays in melatonin release and other biochemical changes that are not conducive to a good night of sleep. Second, eating can cause direct metabolic changes which, while necessary to digest and metabolize food, are not positive for long periods of time. When we eat, liver cells stop basic repair and maintenance activities, to instead, focus on storing fat and producing glucose. High glucose over long periods of time can lead to diabetes and metabolic disease, while excessive fat storage can obviously lead to weight gain.

Are You One Of The 170 Million Americans Drinking Radioactive Tap Water?

ZeroHedge 01/15/2018 
According to a new bombshell report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), tap water for more than 170 million Americans contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer. The group examined 50,000 public water systems throughout the United States and found from 2010 to 2015, more than 22,000 water utilities reported radium in treated water.
Radiation in tap water poses serious health threats, particularly for children, and women during pregnancy.
The most common radioactive element the EWG found was radium. Studies show that radium above the EPA legal limit may cause depression of the immune system, anemia, cataracts, fractured teeth, and of course cancer.
Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that resides on the earth’s crust. The EWG emphasizes that higher radium levels in tap water occur when uranium mining or oil and gas drilling exploration companies disturb the earth’s geology. The process triggers radiation called “ionizing because it can release electrons from atoms and molecules, and turn them into ions,” explained the EWG. The EPA warns that all ionizing radiation is carcinogenic, implying that radium above the EPA limit is all too prevalent in America and it could be causing lots of cancer.

This Is What Microwave Technologies Are Doing To Your Child’s Brain

Parents are overjoyed when their two-year-olds ‘master’ computer games and cell phones.  They interpret that as “look how smart my kid is!”  Well, that’s really not the take-away message parents should be coming up with.  Maybe their youngsters inadvertently are becoming addicted to a tech-meme and device, which will damage them down the road, and very dramatically: dumb and cancer?

The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.

Monsanto Poisoning Indians with Arsenic, new scientific study

Seed Freedom January 8, 2018
New Delhi, January 8, 2018: A shocking discovery from the French scientific group CRIGEN led by world renowned toxicology and biosafety scientist Dr Gilles-Eric Seralini reveals that Monsanto’s Round up (Glyphosate based herbicide) and other types of Glyphosate based herbicides(GHB) contain universally banned heavy metals like arsenic, etc., in the formulant which are a thousand times more harmful than the active compound Glyphosate(G) itself. G is a herbicide and a “green killer” which is used to extensively all over the world including India. Worldwide, 9.4 million tons of the chemical has been sprayed onto field.

Ancient Biblical Corinth uncovered in new underwater excavations

The divers
DailyStar 18th December 2017
The Greek city, which was rebuilt in 44BC by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, holds major significance for Christians.
Jesus’s disciple Paul is said to have visited there and wrote two letters about his time in Corinth – featured in the New Testament.
Just days ago, another group of archaeologists in Italy were amazed to discover the historic resort of Baiae in perfect condition.
And new underwater excavations of Corinth's harbour at the port of Lechaion have discovered wooden foundations preserved so well that they look new.
Roman artefacts including fishing lines and hooks, wooden pulleys and ceramics from Tunisia and Turkey were also found.
Experts also think they have found an ancient lighthouse – depicted on coins from that time – and another monument.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military? Everywhere

undefinedUSNEWS Jan. 12, 2018,
As we enter the 17th year of the United States' "war on terror," it is both appropriate, and necessary, to take stock of where our troops are located and for what purpose. The deaths of U.S. soldiers this fall in Niger were a stark reminder that much of the American public, and even many of our country's lawmakers, aren't exactly sure what the war on terror looks like, much less where many of our other military operations are located. According to a new map published this week by the Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the U.S. is waging this war on terror in 76 countries – or more simply put, 40 percent of the countries on this planet.

Social media companies have built up a massive censorship apparatus capable of seamlessly monitoring, tracking, and blocking millions of pieces of content.

WSWS 18 January 2018
Behind the backs of the US and world populations, social media companies have built up a massive censorship apparatus staffed by an army of “content reviewers” capable of seamlessly monitoring, tracking, and blocking millions of pieces of content.
Armed with increasingly powerful artificial intelligence systems, these technology companies are free to remove and block the communications of their users at the behest of the government, in a seamless alliance between Silicon Valley and the major US spy agencies.

Stock market optimism from pros reaches highest level in nearly 32 years

A trader wears a DOW 24,000 hat as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE) as the Dow Jones Industrial Average crosses 25,000 on Jan. 4ht, 2018 for the first time.

CNBC  Wed, 17 Jan 2018
Stock market optimism among professional investors just keeps on surging, and is now at the highest levels since before the crash of 1987.
Bullishness, or the belief that the market is heading higher, is now at 66.7 percent in the latest Investors Intelligence survey, a widely followed gauge of sentiment among investment newsletter authors.
That's the highest level since early April 1986 — a potential warning sign that the rush into equities is getting overdone. After all, a year after the bulls had reached this level came the infamous Black Monday crash that sent the Dow Jones industrials down nearly 22 percent in a single day.