devours before them, and behind them a flame burns.The land is like
the garden of Eden before them, but behind them a desolate wilderness,
and nothing escapes them
(Joel 2:3).
This Scripture
is describing the Muslim invasion and destruction of North Africa.
By 300 AD,
North Africa was the most important province of the Roman Empire and was teeming
with cities:
Carthage—the second largest city in the western Roman Empire—was the center of the Roman province of Africa and a major breadbasket of the Empire.By the third century, there were five or six hundred cities. Two hundred of them were in the rich farmlands of northern Tunisia. In places there were no more than six or eight miles apart, and in the valley of the River Bagradas (Medjerda) there was almost a kind of ribbon development along the main road from Carthage to Theveste (Tebessa). (Raven, Rome in Africa, p. 101).
By 300 A.D.,
Christianity was the dominant religion in North Africa as paganism was just
about to be completely overthrown:
By this time Christianity had taken a firm hold in North Africa. The Church had survived persecution under Severus, Decius, and Valerian, and was ceasing to be the religion of a poor minority. In contrast to the emptiness of pagan literature of this period there were the vigorous works of Cyprian, Arnobius, and Lactantius. The Church was making its impact felt on all classes and in the farthest corners of the Roman provinces in Africa. (Frend, The Donatist Church, p. 3)
the Roman Emperors were insanely jealous that more and more people were not
worshipping them as divinities.
In 303, the
last great Empire wide pagan persecution began and North African Christians
were ordered to hand over the Scriptures to be burned.
This last
pagan persecution was in the planning stage for at least 40 years prior to
300 A.D., as a very friendly ecumenical mood prevailed among the pagans:
The main target of the pagans was the New New Covenant . . . and the histories of Christ....All of the great books portraying the Mount of Olives as the site of the Resurrection were systematically destroyed.In the Roman cities the Emperor's orders appear to have been carried out firmly but not without tact. For the previous forty years Christians and pagans had lived side by side in relative peace. The Church had become almost an established institution. At Cirta (modern Constantine), the capital of the province of Numidia Cirtensis, the magistrate told Bishop Paulus to produce the lectors who were responsible for looking after the Scriptures. The reply was 'Everybody knows them'. At Apthungi (modern Henchir Souar, in Tunisia), the chief magistrate, the Duumvir Alfius Caecilianus, and the bishop Felix appear to have been on friendly terms, and indeed the official did not know of the existence of the Emperor's edict until he was told it by the Christians themselves. (Frend, The Donatist Church, p. 4).
Constantinean "Christianity" began in 313 AD
The last
great persecution ended when Constantine became Emperor of the West. Together
with Emperor Licinius, he issued an edict of toleration called the Edict of
This edict
of toleration did not apply to Christians who would not join his new imperial
This edict
excluded many of the North African survivors of the persecution. Those surviving
Christians referred to people who handed over the Scriptures as traditores
(traitors) and insisted on their rebaptism.
The North
African Christians were first condemned a the Council of Arles for rebaptizing
those who handed over the Scriptures during the persecution.
Later they
were also condemned by Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea.
Donatus Magnus
(circa 273-355) was a GREAT Christian leader who ordered the rebaptism of
traditores (traitors) who turned over the Holy Scriptures
to the pagan magistrates. He was the Saint Martin Luther of North Africa:
Very little is known about this remarkable man, who in Africa came to hold a position not unlike that achieved by his contemporary, Athanasius, in Egypt. In Donatus' case the Catholic damnatio memoriae has been particularly effective. His literary works have not survived, we know little of his background, his personal appearance, his friendships, and his way of life., We do know that he was a great orator and leader of men; wherever he went the enthusiasm was such as to be remembered fifty years after his death. In an age when religious controversy took something of the place occupied by ideological conflict in providing an outlet for popular discontent, Donatus was a dominating figure. (Frend, The Donatist Church, pp. 153-154).
Many of
the BISHOPS who attended the Council of Nicea were traditores and
Donatus demanded that they be rebaptized before admittance to the Christian
was FURIOUS that anybody would withstand him, and actually contemplated invading
North Africa with his legions.
From then
on, the Vatican referred to the Christians of North Africa as DONATISTS. We
see this again at the time of the Reformation when the Reformed Christians
were called LUTHERANS or Protestants instead of Catholic Christians.
Augustine was appointed bishop to destroy the North African Christians!!
Despite the
terrible persecution under the Emperors, Christianity rapidly recovered in
North Africa, so Augustine was appointed a bishop in Hippo Regius to fight
them with pen and ink.
Even though
the North African Christians claimed to be the true Catholics, Augustine derisively
referred to them as DONATISTS. Augustine had an intense HATRED for those uncompromising
Christians who refused to join the Constantinean church:
Every trick in the Roman arsenal was used to make the Christians conform but most of the them remained steadfast adherents of Apostolic Christianity.Now let the proud and swelling necks of the heretics raise themselves, if they dare, against the holy humility of this address. Ye mad Donatists, whom we desire earnestly to return to the peace and unity of the holy Church, that ye may receive health therein, what have ye to say in answer to this? You are wont, indeed, to bring up against us the letters of Cyprian, his opinion, his Council; why do ye claim the authority of Cyprian for your schism, and reject his example when it makes for the peace of the Church? (Augustine, Against the Donatists, Book II, ch. III).
Despite the
multiplicity of words written against them, the Christians still held steadfast
to the Scriptures and the Lord kept adding to his African Congregation.
was the most powerful and influential teacher of the Latin church. He was
the originator of the Filioque and most of the false doctrines that emerged
from that church can be traced right back to him.
Some of these
false doctrines include: original sin, infant baptism, purgatory, clerical
celibacy, predestination.
also laid the groundwork for the use of DISGUISED mercenaries in the age long
Vatican war against the saints. Some of these DISGUISED mercenaries include:
Pope Gregory I sought Emperor Mauricius' help against the North African Christians
Despite all
the efforts of Augustine, the Christian faith continued to grow and Pope Gregory
I was alarmed at its increase.
Here is a
quote from The Donatist Church:
By 596 the situation had become even less favourable. A further letter from the pope to Columbus (not Christopher) repeats the story of the spread of Donatism, but in August Gregory wrote to the Emperor Mauricius himself. The Imperial commands against the Donatists were being disregarded 'by carelessness or connivance'. The bribes of the Donatists 'so prevail in the province that the Catholic Faith is publicly put up for sale'. The exarch, far from taking action himself, was complaining of bishops who brought these things to his notice. The emperor's personal assistance was requested, 'to issue strict orders for the punishment of the Donatists and to arrest with saving hand the fall of the perishing'. Whether this appeal was successful or not we do not know. Except for Bishop Paulus' repeated effort to have his case heard in Rome, there is no further literary record of Donatism. We are left with the impression of the movement resurgent and triumphant in southern Numidia, and then there is silence. (Frend, The Donatist Church, p. 312).
Old Rome
saw the Christians of North Africa as a greater threat than the Eastern Empire
in Constantinople.
The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians!!
By the year
600, the Lord's Congregation was triumphant over all her enemies. North Africa—comprising
over 600 cities—was the richest part of the Roman Empire. The city of Rome
itself was dependent on North Africa for her daily bread. With the rise of
Islam, Europe became permanently separated from the Continent of Africa.
After conquering
all of North Africa, the Arabs crossed into Spain in 711. Their main target
in Spain was the Goths, who baptized by triune immersion, and refused to join
the church of Rome.
![]() The Arabs destroyed true Christianity in North Africa. |
In 711, they
invaded Spain in order to destroy the Goths.
The Arabs
stayed in Spain unto January 1492, when Portuguese Christopher Columbus was
about to follow a map to the New World.
This allowed
for the redeployment of the Spanish army to the New World just in time to
block the English, French and Dutch colonization.
In 674 the Arabs lay siege to Constantinople
Only 50 years
after the founding of Islam by Mohammad, a huge Arab army . . . and NAVY .
. . attacked Constantinople....Conquering Constantinople required a huge number
of ships which you would not normally associate with desert dwellers.
A knowledge
of combined operations by land and sea was necessary for the conquest of Constantinople.
Also a knowledge of siegecraft and the use of battering rams and powerful
It so happens
that the first besiegers of Constantinople were DESERT DWELLING Arabs. The
first siege began in 674 and lasted for 5 years. The Arab besiegers were almost
completely annihilated by the Eastern Romans.
![]() Muawiyah I (602-680) led the first Arab siege of Constantinople. |
Roman Emperor
Constantine IV led the heroic defense of the city.
The Eastern
Romans had a secret weapon called Greek Fire. It was somewhat like napalm
and actually burned on the water. It was the ancient world's equivalent of
the atomic bomb.
The besiegers
were barbecued with this Greek Fire:
The Saracen ships carried heavy siege engines and huge catapults; but the fortifications along the Marmara and the Golden Horn were proof against their assaults. The Byzantines, moreover, possessed a secret weapon. To this day we are uncertain of the composition of 'Greek fire'. Whether it was sprayed over an enemy vessel or poured into long, narrow cartridges and catapulted against its objective, the results were almost invariably catastrophic: the flaming, oil-based liquid floated upon the surface of the sea, frequently igniting the wooden hulls of the ships and causing an additional hazard to those who tried to jump overboard. For long the Muslims refused to admit defeat; only after the fifth year did the battered remnants of the Saracen fleet turn about and head for home. In 679 Muawiya sulkily accepted Constantine's offer of peace, which demanded the evacuation of the newly-conquered Aegean islands and an annual tribute. A year later he was dead. Constantine, on the other hand, was at the height of his popularity. He had inspired his subjects with the morale to withstand five years of siege by a power hitherto considered irresistible, and in doing so he had saved Western civilization. Had the Saracens captured Constantinople in the seventh century rather than the fifteenth, all Europe—and America—might be Muslim today. (Norwich, A Short History of Byzantium, p. 101.)
The siege
turned out to be a total failure, with thousands of Arab casualties.
The 2nd Arab siege of Constantinople occurred in 717
The proud
Arabs were very bitter about their failure to take Constantinople. The tried
again in 717 with a new Caliph.
![]() Caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz (682-720). |
Roman Emperor
Leo III led the heroic defense of the city:
For forty years the setback at Constantinople rankled with the Umayyad caliphs in Damascus. It remained inconceivable within Islamic theology that the whole of humankind would not, in time, either accept Islam or submit to Muslim rule. In 717 a second and even more determined attempt was made to overcome the obstacle that hindered the spread of the Faith into Europe. The Arab attack came at a time of turmoil within the empire. A new emperor, Leo III, had been crowned on March 25, 717; five months later he found an army of 80,000 men dug in the length of the land walls and a fleet of 1,800 ships controlling the straits. The Arabs had advanced their strategy from the previous siege. It was quickly realized by the Muslim general Maslama that the walls of the city were invulnerable to siege machines; this time there was to be a total blockade. The seriousness of his intentions was underlined by the fact that his army brought wheat seed with them. In the autumn of 717 they plowed the ground and planted a food supply outside the walls for harvesting the following spring. Then they settled down to wait. A foray by the Greek fire ships had some success but failed to break the stranglehold. Everything had been carefully planned to crush the infidels. (Crowley, 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West. p. 13).
It seems
that all of JEHOVAH's creation was at war with the Muslims because on their
way home an undersea volcano erupted and a storm destroyed most of the fleet.
Constantinople finally fell to the Muslim Turks in 1453
Thanks to
the Muslims, Old Rome was finally able to eliminate her Eastern rival in 1453.
After fighting heroically for 1000 years, the Empire finally came to an end.
Only the
use of the new weapon of gunpowder cannon made the Muslim conquest of Constantinople
Millions of Muslims are worshipping the Serpent Allah!!
The God of
the universe is a Triune being composed of 3 divine persons: Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Never in the Bible does God ever call Himself by the name Allah.
God is called
JEHOVAH, Eloihim, El Shadai, Adonai, Emmanuel, etc., etc., but never is HE
referred to by the name of ALLAH....The Hebrew and Arabic languages come from
the same common root.
The rise of Islam was also predicted by a real Prophet named
the Apostle John:
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power (Revelation 9:1-3).
The Messiah
of Israel, Joshua of Nazareth, gave this great promise to his chosen people:
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and on scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).
Roger. 1453:
The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West.
Hyperion, New York, 2005.
Frend, W.H.C.
The Donatist Church. A Movement of Protest in Roman North Africa. Oxford
University Press, London, 1952.
John Julius. A Short History of Byzantium. Alfred A. Knopf, New York,
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