by both Seventh-day Adventist denominational presses, Pacific Press and Review
and Herald Publishing Association,
The Great Hope
lists as its author “E. G. White.” But would the
prophet support an “adapted version” of her classical book
The Great Controversy
does not include:
the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary message
(2) the second angel's call to
come out of Babylon
(3) the third angel's message exposing Sunday as the Mark of the Beast
(4) 1844
as the hour of God's judgment [part of the first angel's message]
(5) the
investigative judgment [part of the first angel's message]
(6) the
identification of who and what is Babylon, the harlot woman, and her daughters
(7) the identification of the beast of Revelation 13 and 17
(8) the little horn
who persecuted the true church from 538-1798 and will be the chief instigator in
these last days
(9) Luther and all the reformers and their trials and
persecution which will again be repeated
(10) the rise of the Advent awakening
of the 1840s culminating in formation of the Remnant church and the seed of the
woman, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
what the prophet wrote: “I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this
book than for any others I have written;
for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given
more distinctly than in any of my other books.”
Publishing Ministry, 358. Source
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