Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Loma Linda LGBT agenda

The Seventh day Adventist church must grant the same rights to LGBT individuals as the United States supreme court did June 2015.  (Minute 2:25)   James Walters, PhD, professor of religion - Ethical Studies. 

I've always felt gay, born gay, grew up gay. I read my bible, prayed, preached sermons in churches but the desire of homosexuality did not go away. (Minute 22:45, 26:00, 1:44:22)  Admitted practicing homosexuality (Minute 1:50:40) Han Von Walter, MD Psychiatrist

The SDA  church must accept LGBT individuals as members, because they are Seventh-day Adventists, believe in Jesus, committed to the bible and core teachings of the church. Pope Francis is our model; his words must be our guide.  (Minute 33:00) 
The bible cannot be taken literally, especially Leviticus 18:22  (Minute 1:19:30)  Grace Oie  MD, Pediatric Critical Care.
Jesus had two fathers; we affirm the LGBT lifestyle  (Minute 1:32:06) 
We must see in everyone the image of God, even LGBT individuals  (Minute 2:04:00)  Daneen Akers, MA, Film Director: Seventh-gay Adventist.
The Bible does not address the LGBT lifestyle. Paul knew nothing about our sexual orientation today, because he lived in a different era. Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-28 must be studied more because they are not as conclusive as they appear to be on the surface. The Bible cannot settle every question. (Minute 58:00 - 1:03:55)  Jonathan Paulien, PhD, Professor of Religion - Theological Studies.

What should I do if I am a gay Seventh day Adventist? Answer: here are seven options. 1) Commit suicide, 2) Stay in the closet, 3) Marry a person of the opposite sex, 4) Seek change therapy by praying, reading the bible, getting counseling, 5) Engage in promiscuity, 6) Celibacy, 7) Form a loving, lasting union akin to marriage.  Mr Larson stated that he only agrees with the last 2 options.   (Minute 40:30, 47:00)
There is a change happening in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination to affirm the LGBT lifestyle at the grassroots, due to the work of people like Daneen Akers.  (Minute 49:30) 
The six texts that are usually to clobber (to condemn) people who practice the LGBT lifestyle should be removed from the bible. Then let us just love everyone.  (Minute 1:22:00, 1:27:00)  Davis R. Larson, DMin, PhD, Professor of Ethical Studies. 


  1. God have mercy on us, the scriptures are clear that unrepentant sins such as homosexuality and adultry will keep us out of the kingdom. God loves all sinners and has paid the price for our sins but only if we repent and turn away from them. Are we now condoning and encouraging what God has called an abomination? God forbid! We do not want to lull others who are in unrepentant homosexual lifestyles into thinking thee are right with God and will be admitted into the Kingdom. The Lord has made every provision to save us from our sins not save us in them.

  2. Replies
    1. You need to read the Bible carefully to learn who or which religious or church system is the harlot in the Bible. Individuals in the SDA church do err and some deliberately for the people of God to doubt His selected messengers. Sorry the true original worship system of the SDA church is based on the whole Bible Truth and nothing but the truth. Whomever does nit stand by the BIBLE in its entirety is not SDA. God bless.

  3. Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church and Christianity Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2mfHogCRKg

    Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKWF6XV6BP8

  4. Gaby didn't go to Monterey.
    She is not worthy.
