By Michael Snyder, on July 23rd, 2017
One mystery trader has made an extremely large bet that the stock
market is going to crash by October, and if he is right he could
potentially make up to 262 million dollars on the deal. Fortunes were
made and lost during the great financial crisis of 2008, and the same
thing will happen again the next time we see a major stock market
crash. But will that stock market crash take place before 2017 is
over? Without a doubt, we are in the midst of one of the largest stock
market bubbles in U.S. history, and many prominent investors are loudly warning
of an imminent stock market collapse. It doesn’t take a genius to see
that this stock market bubble is going to end very badly just like all
of the other stock market bubbles throughout history have, but if you
could know the precise timing that it will end you could set yourself up
financially for the rest of your life.
I want to be very clear about the fact that I do not know what will
or will not happen by the end of October. But one mystery investor is
extremely convinced that market volatility is going to increase over the
next few months, and if he is correct he will make an astounding amount
of money. According to Business Insider, the following is how the trade was set up…
- To fund it, the investor sold 262,000 VIX puts expiring in October, with a strike price of 12.
- The trader then used those proceeds to buy a VIX 1×2 call spread, which involves buying 262,000 October contracts with a strike price of 15 and selling 524,000 October contracts with a strike price of 25.
- For reference, bullish call spreads are used when a moderate rise in the underlying asset is expected. Traders buy call options at a specific strike price while selling the same number of calls of the same asset and expiration date at a higher strike.
- In a perfect scenario, where the VIX hits but doesn’t exceed 25 before October expiration, the trader would see a whopping $262 million payout.
I will be watching to see what happens. If this mystery investor is correct, it will essentially be like winning the lottery.
But just because he has made this wager does not mean that he has some special knowledge about what is going to happen.
For example, just look at what Ruffer LLP has been doing. They are a
$20 billion investment fund based in London, and they have been betting
tens of millions of dollars on a stock market crash which has failed to
materialize so far. But even though they have lost so much money
already, they continue to make extremely large bearish bets… More
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