In a room, somewhere deep inside the Pentagon generals and admirals met recently in order to prepare an assessment for the United States Senate Armed Services Committee. Present at the metering were General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army’s Chief of Staff, the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson, the Commandant of the Marine Corps General Robert Neller, and U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein. At such a meeting there’s no doubt that Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford attended seeing he’s the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The agenda for this meeting was serious as a heart attack – America’s most brilliant and powerful military men gathered that day to discuss Armageddon. 15.09.2017
The minutes of this fateful meeting are
top secret. Only a handful of people will ever know what was discussed.
But the end result of the strategy session was revealed on September 15,
2017 before the people of the United States. The top generals of the
most powerful nation on Earth advised congress that America could in
fact win an all-out war with Russia and China. It must have been a scene
right out of Director Stanley Kubrick’s classic Cold War film, Dr.
Strangelove. I was not there, so I can only imagine the gathering of war
hawks, the stoic expertise and military intellect, and the obtuse
arrogance being conveyed across the congressional forum that day. The
vision makes me wonder, “Who in the hell ordered such an assessment in
the first place?” But I think we all know the answer.
General Milley expressed his only concern over World War III by citing the U.S. Army’s “lack of resources and training to execute America’s national security strategy without high military risk.” Admiral
Richardson agreed with Milley, but his level of confidence in the U.S.
Navy’s dominance seemed somehow higher. Milley told committee:
“I concur with Gen. Milley. If we get into one of those conflicts, we’ll win, but it going to take a lot longer than we’d like and it’s going to cost a lot more in terms of dollars and in casualties.”
Marine General Neller parroted these
opinions, only with a typical “Jar Head” obtuseness and psychosomatic
bravado proclaiming America’s current force array is “effective” against
counterinsurgent forces around the world. I am assuming the General
means the Taliban now resurgent in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda that’s being
supported in Syria, and the ultimate enemy ISIL, which Russia has all
but destroyed on the ground. I’ll not get into the Marine mentality,
they are my shipmates after all. As for the Air Force’s General David L.
Goldfein, the former combat pilot’s assessment showed that flying an
airplane does not qualify one to be a military bean counter. General
Goldfein also concurred with the others but in an overcomplicated way,
as if he were the accountant of the group. In short, the man shot down
over Serbia when America destroyed Yugoslavia earned his pay September
15th by stating the plainly obvious – World War III is a high-risk
endeavor. No !@#$%^&* General.
My fellow Earthlings, it’s abundantly
clear that the United States military industrial complex now runs
America. The meeting before the U.S. Senate was simply a formality. A
psycho-thriller being played out before an audience asleep in the back
row of the theater. With Russia’s Vladimir Putin pleading with every
breath for discourse and sanity, and after Russia’s military machine has
been forced into high alert, America’s top Generals have been put in
charge. Let me cite the Army’s General Milley on his plea for more money
and weapons in order to abate the “dire consequences” of this
“The butcher’s bill is paid in the blood of American soldiers for unready forces. We have a long history of that— Kasserine Pass, Guadalcanal, Okinawa, Tarawa, Task Force Smith in the Korean War. It goes all the way back to Bull Run—Lincoln thought he was going to fight a war for 90 days. Wars are often thought to be short when they begin—they’re not. They’re often thought to cost less than they end up costing and they end up with outcomes and take turns you never know. It’s a dangerous thing.”
me make something abundantly clear here. The “generals” did not prepare
their assessments for a waiting U.S. Senate committee, for those same
senators work in collusion with the military and the industrial complex,
everyone knows this. This dog and pony show was orchestrated for one
audience only – the idiots who believe our system works like it should –
the American people. Look at the narrative. It’s all PR and propaganda
dialogue, grade school fodder crafted to appease convenience store
workers. A “dangerous thing”, indeed. Milley went on pandering for a
brand new arms race, a brand new Cold War, in suggesting force build up
and reequipping for major conflict. We’re right back to Ronald Reagan’s
“Star Wars” initiative. For those of you who believe this is all saber
rattling, this Defense Intelligence Agency report
shows us the military industrialists and the U.S. President are aware
of the ultimate outcome. Part of the report addresses Vladimir Putin’s
“preparedness” in the event of Armageddon to the extent he is getting
ready just in case. The fact of the matter is that the deep underground
bunkers America’s defense industry cites as “Putin’s Armageddon
protection” were built during Soviet times.
Finally, if you read about the new role
of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford,
then you’ll understand the takeover of American policy by the deep state
is complete. While his colleagues were busy pandering the public for
more guns, ships, and missiles, America’s top general was politicking in
Asia with career bureaucrats like South Korea’s Moon, Chinese President
Xi Jinping and Gen. Fang Fenghui, chief of the general staff of the
Chinese People’s Liberation Army. So, with North Korea, Russia, and Iran
in the crosshairs of new US sanctions, the Trump administration takes
aim with real killing weapons too. Generals as diplomats, and idiot U.N.
Ambassador Nikki Haley as cheerleader for the ultimate game of war? The
insanity is at “Biblical” on the reality meter today. Half the world is
on the brink of starving, and most of the rest feels milked dry by the
elitist order, so naturally World War III must come. All I have left to
offer is this.
“I saw that publishing all over the world was deeply constrained by self-censorship, economics and political censorship, while the military-industrial complex was growing at a tremendous rate, and the amount of information that it was collecting about all of us vastly exceeded the public imagination.” – Julian Assange. NEO
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