Christian Unity October 2019
The annual Conference of Secretaries of Christian
World Communions (CS/CWC) took place from 8–10 October 2019 in
Christiansfeld, Denmark. The meeting was hosted by the Moravian Church
Unity Worldwide Board, represented by Reverend Dr Jørgen Bøytler. The
Catholic Church was represented by Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of
the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
The CS/CWC was established in 1957, bringing together general
secretaries from diverse Christian communions as well as representatives
of some global ecumenical organisations. The Conference is a fraternal
forum of Church leaders aiming at exchange of information on important
events in their particular Communions as well as giving an update on the
bilateral and multilateral dialogues in which their Communions are
involved. The Conference does not pass resolutions and does not issue an
official communiqué. Meeting without interruption for over sixty years,
the Conference has significantly contributed to build trust and
partnership among the Church leaders and between their respective
traditions, and to foster the coherence of the ecumenical movement
worldwide. The Conference is currently chaired by Reverend Dr Martin
Junge, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, who is
seconded by the secretary, Dr Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs
and Religious Liberty for the worldwide Seventh–day Adventist Church.
Reports from the following Communions were received during this
year’s Conference: the Armenian Apostolic Church (on behalf of the
Oriental Orthodox Churches), the Anglican Communion, the Disciples
Ecumenical Consultative Council, the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Orthodox
Church of Constantinople), the Friends World Committee for Consultation,
the General Conference of Seventh–day Adventists, Global
Pentecostalism, the International Old Catholic Bishops’ Conference
(Union of Utrecht), the Lutheran World Federation, the Mennonite World
Conference, the Moravian Church Worldwide Unity Board, the Organisation
of African Instituted Churches, the Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity (Roman Catholic Church), the Salvation Army, the World
Convention of Churches of Christ, the World Communion of Reformed
Churches, the World Methodist Council, the World Evangelical Alliance,
and two ecumenical bodies: the World Council of Churches and the Global
Christian Forum.
Participation in the opening prayer service led according to the
Moravian tradition and in a traditional Moravian Lovefast, as well as
the visit to the historic Moravian Settlement in Christiansfeld (UNESCO
World Heritage), offered the participants an opportunity to gain more
familiarity with this Church.
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