We showed you how Pope Francis travelled to Abu Dhabi earlier this year and entered into a covenant with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the ruling leader in Sunni Islam. That peace covenant led to the formation of a Chrislam interfaith council, which then led to the stunning announcement that a Chrislam headquarters would be open in Abu Dhabi
by 2022. Now Pope Francis has travelled to Thailand where he met with
the ruling Buddhist leader there, and as in Abu Dhabi, presented him
with a copy of his Declaration On Human Fraternity’, the Vatican
manifesto of the One World Religion.
FROM THE CATHOLIC HERALD UK: After giving prepared
speeches, Pope Francis and the Supreme Patriarch had a brief informal
conversation, in which they spoke about the value of fraternity between
the two religions for promoting peace.
“If we are brothers, we can
help world peace,” the poor, and the suffering, Pope Francis said,
“because to help the poor is always a path of blessing.” They also spoke
about education and the role of missionaries in the country. Before
leaving, the two exchanged blessings. READ MORE
Pope Francis is building his One World Religion called Chrislam, but it will not be limited to simply an alliance between the Catholics and the Muslims. No, it will include all the major faiths with one notable exception. It will not contain biblical Christianity, but rather the Laodicean Christian church that is so disgustingly lukewarm.
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