Bible is often criticized as being “unscientific, outdated, and
contradictory.” One of the arguments used is that the Bible states the
Earth is flat. Is this true? Absolutely not.
If you ever talk to a skeptic, you will likely hear them rattle off
arguments about why they don’t believe in God, and why they think the
Bible is non-sense.
One of the arguments that often top the list is the good old
argument, “The Bible says the Earth is flat, yet we now know it is
spherical. Therefore, the Bible is non-sense written by a bunch of
uneducated men.”
If you want a brief answer, it would be this: While the Bible authors
make occasional poetic references which suggests a “flat Earth”, these
instances are clearly written in a poetic or observational point of
view. However, the Bible does quite clearly show a spherical Earth in
many verses, as I will show below.
First, I just want to make a brief comment as to how ridiculous this
claim is. What if the Bible said this: “Thus saith the Lord God: The
Earth is flat. I created a flat Earth on a Turtles Back. I also made the
sun rotate around the Earth. This is how I did it, and this is how it
Then, we can all agree that the Bible was making a science statement,
and we could easily disprove it, right? But is that what happens in the
Bible? Nope. Instead the nit-pick verses out of context which are
mostly poetic or metaphorical in nature to try and claim the authors
thought the Earth was flat, therefore the Bible is bogus.
Not so, as I will show. Once again, the Bible proves untouchable by
skeptics. Everything can be logically, rationally, and reasonably
Does the Bible Really Say the Earth is Flat? What Are the Verses?
While I will try to address almost every verse which may be taken as
saying the Earth is flat, this article is in no way meant to be
exhaustive. However, it should suffice that I will cover all the main
scriptures touted as suggesting the Earth is flat.
Scripture #1: Genesis 1:9– In this scripture, the creation is being explained. It then says this concerning the Earth:
Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.
Some skeptics try to assert that this is suggesting the Earth is
flat. Really? Where do they get that? In fact, I would say this fits
perfectly with what modern science knows about the world.
Most people are familiar with the super-continent that is widely
theorized and accepted by scientists to have been the large unified land
mass in earlier history. Here is a picture of Pangaea below.

So what does that look like to you? I don’t know about you, but it
sure looks like all of the water is gathered together in one place, with
dry land appearing together. Yet, astonishingly, the Earth is still
round! So what we have is a section of land gathered, and water is
surrounding all of the “visible” or “dry” land in a spherical dimension.
Our own science textbooks finally teach us what the Bible has taught
for centuries. In the beginning, the waters were gathered into one
place, and dry land appeared. It doesn’t matter which way you slice it,
the Bible is perfectly accurate on this one, and nothing about that
verse implies the Earth was flat. In fact, no maps would have existed
in Moses’ time of the entire world so that Moses could have “guessed” it
right either while he penned Genesis.
Scripture # 2-Job
37:3 and 38:12-13 use a very poetic device to describe the Earth. Here
are the two verses. The skeptics try to “trick” people into thinking
this suggests the Earth is flat, when it clearly does not. The trick is
that the whole chapter is using very dramatized expressions and
metaphors which are clearly not to be taken literally. But they don’t
want you to realize that now do they? So they assert that the Bible is
making a scientific claim, when it is clearly making a poetic
He flashes his lightning everywhere under heaven. His light flashes to the ends of the earth. (Job 37:3)
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (Job 38:12-13)
First, just let me say that anyone who tries to take these verses
literally after reading the other poetic expressions all around this
passage in Job is a complete and utter fool. Anyone with eyes and a
brain should be able to intellectually discern that this is meant as a
poetic expression. Those who suggest otherwise or either fools or liars
(or both).
How do I know that all of this is poetic, and Job didn’t literally
think the Earth had four corners? Easy. I actually read the chapter
(something most skeptics don’t want you to do). If anyone reads it, they
will immediately realize the whole chapter is speaking in a strong
poetic expression, using phrases and words that are poetic.
In just a few verses before in Job 37:1, we see Job referring to his
heart, “trembling and leaping out of it’s place.” Does this mean we are
to literally believe Job’s poor heart leaped out of his chest and
flopped on the ground for a minute? No, of course not.
Or when someone says, “the sunset is beautiful tonight,” do you
actually believe this person thinks the Earth is flat? Or are they
simply using an expression which accurately describes what we see in the sky (the sun moving)?
We obviously know it is an expression or exaggeration, right? Then
why believe the other non-sense as proposed by the skeptic. They operate
on the same premise. Take a poetic expression out of context, hope that
you won’t examine the context, and then scream “Flat Earth.”
The Book of Job continues with poetic expressions and here are just a few in chapter 37,
- “the thunder of God’s voice”
- “on the face of the habitable world”
- “Spread out the skies hard as a cast metal mirror”
- “his voice roars”
- “Out of the north comes golden splendor”
If anyone even reads a few sentences it becomes quite clear that Job
is heavily using metaphors, expressions, and exaggerations. The
writer is trying to really dramatize his words. This is the style of his
entire book.
So when it says, “Shake the ends of the Earth.” Obviously it is
referring to God’s great power. It is not implying the Earth is flat,
any more than saying “my heart leaped out of it’s place” implies that
his heart literally jumped out of his chest. There will be violent
earthquakes in the end times, in which there have never been. The earth
with shake and tremble, but this has nothing to do with its shape.
So both of these are clearly metaphorical and simply expressions to
show God’s sovereign power and glory, as the WHOLE ENTIRE CHAPTERS
follow the same literary premise.
There are also a couple of other verses in Job where God asks, “Where
you there when I laid the foundation of the Earth?” Again, same
premise. Obviously God didn’t use a “foundation” (like the foundation
your house is on). Job knows this, and I know this. How? Well in the
first chapter of Genesis, it says how God created Earth, and it mentions
nothing of a “flat Earth.” Nor does it say, “I laid a foundation.” In
fact, God just speaks it. He doesn’t drop a plumb bob, get some chalk
line, and then back up a cement truck and pour the foundation. God is so
powerful that He merely says it, and it happens.
Scriptures # 3–In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon writes the following:
“The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. (Ecclesiastes 1:5)”
Once again, what do we see here? The same trick of trying to take
something out of context This verse is even more problematic for
skeptics. This is easily explained for 2 reasons: 1 is the context of
the passage, the other is that it is an accurate observational
Go outside right now, and tell me what you see the sun doing. The sun
“rises” and the sun “sets” in the sky we see. This is a fact. From our
point of view, this is exactly what happens, even today. You cannot deny
that fact, and it is 100% accurate to say what you observe with your
own eyes. We see the sun set, and therefore that is an accurate
statement observationally speaking.
Now, if we want to get technical, is the sun really setting? Does it
really rise? To answer that, I would need to know your relative
position. If you are looking into the sky from Earth, of course the sun
is “setting” or “rising” in the sky. If you are asking from space,
obviously we would see the Earth slowly moving around the sun as it
rotates on its axis. It all depends on your point of reference.
Or if two boys are throwing a football to each other. One boy throws
the ball to the other. One boy says the ball is coming towards him, the
other says the ball is moving away. Which one is right? Both. The sun
both “sets and rises” and also the Earth rotates on its axis. It just
depends on your point of observation. It is all relative to that point.
So this statement is not faulty in the least.
Secondly, what is the context of the passage? Solomon is talking
about the regularity of life. The sun rises daily, the sun sets daily.
Seasons come, seasons go. People are born, people die. The whole context
is that it is providing a point to show that there is regularity to
life. Nothing new happens. It all just keeps going in a rhythmic
Solomon surely isn’t trying to establish or teach a scientific
principle is he? Obviously not. But do skeptics want you to realize
this, nah. They want you to think the Bible really says the Earth is
flat so they can scam you into their secular religion.
Scripture # 4–In 1 Samuel 2:8, it mentions pillars of the Earth:
“He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap To make them sit with nobles, And inherit a seat of honor; For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’S, And He set the world on them.”
Once again, if anyone takes a second to flip open to this book, they can once again see it is poetic.
Just read it folks! It is a poetic prayer from Hannah. The whole
thing is a poetic prayer. Of course, the skeptics don’t want you to flip
open the Bible and read this. The same prayer also uses metaphors and
exaggerations such as:
- There is no rock like our God
- the feeble bind on strength
- he lifts the needy from an ash heap
- He will guard the feet of his faithful ones
- the adversaries will be broken to pieces
So should we take the whole thing literally too? Does the writer
really think no other rocks are like God? Do they think God is a rock?
Not at all. These are poetic expressions. It is the same situation like
in the book of Job.
I would be embarrassed to even use this verse if I was a skeptic. I
would be ashamed of myself for intellectually trying to deceive people.
Scripture #5–In the book of Daniel, he describes a tree in his dream. This is the actual verse:
The visions of my head as I lay in bed were these: I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth; and its height was great. The tree grew and became strong, and its top reached to heaven, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth. (Daniel 4:10-11)
Skeptics suggest that since the tree was visible from the “end of the
whole earth,” that suggests a flat Earth. But once again, what do we
see here? We see the skeptics trying to trick people into thinking this
is a science statement. But what is it? A DREAM!
What happened in this book is that Daniel has a symbolic dream. The
dream meant something. It was only a symbol, and the Bible goes on to
tell us the meaning.
The actual tree represented the King. His power was over all other
kingdoms of the Earth. That is why it used the symbolism to suggest the
tree was “seen by the ends of the earth.” It simply means the King’s
power was a great influence that affected the whole Earth at the time,
which historically was accurate.
And then the tree is “cut down.” But the stump is left. In other
words, the King will lose his authority and power, but not permanently.
He will be left with roots, and have a chance to regain his power.
So you see, the whole thing is a symbolic vision. The real “tree”
didn’t even exist. It was a symbolic representation to the King’s power,
and Daniel received the vision and interpreted its meaning. There is
certainly no flat Earth concepts here!
Scripture # 6–In
Joshua 10:13, the Israelites are engaging in battle. Joshua prays for
the “sun to stand still” so they can continue the battle, and God does
this. Here is the verse:
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. Joshua 10:13
So what do we have here, a flat Earth? Of course not. Once again, we
see Joshua asking for the sun to stop in the sky. Was the sun moving in
the sky. Of course it was from his point of view, just like it does in
your eyes if you go outside right now.
Educated doctors still use this phrase. In fact, I read an article just yesterday on skin cancer. What did it say? It said this:
Dermatologists recommend staying out of the sun when it is “highest in the sky to avoid skin cancer risks.”
Do these educated doctors really think the Earth is flat too, or that
the sun circles the Earth? No, it is an expression. They are accurately
telling us an observational truth. We cannot discern the exact specs of
Earth’s spin by looking up, but we can discern the visible point of
reference of the sun in relation to the sky. That is all Joshua is
conveying in this passage.
So Joshua prays for the sun to stop in its path in the sky above, and
behold, it does. Again, this is not inaccurate. If the Earth’s
rotation and spin slowed, the Sun would have “stopped moving in the
sky.” This is an accurate observation from a humans point of view.
Joshua wasn’t standing on Mars and watching the Earth spin. If that
were the case, perhaps Joshua would have said, “and the Earth slowed in
its spin, and it remained daylight longer.” But that would have been
silly to say from his point of view on Earth, and I don’t know anyone
who says, “meet me when the Earth spins to the point the sun is
visible.” Instead, we say, “meet me at sunrise.”
Once again, this is not a SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT.
It is an observational statement, and it is 100% accurate from our
viewpoint. The Bible is not making a case that the Earth is flat or the
sun revolves around the Earth. It is only illustrating what happened
from Joshua’s point of reference.
Scripture # 7–There are also quotes from Psalm that skeptics often accuse of earth being “flat” and immovable. Here are some verses:
The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. (Psalm 93:1)
Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns.” The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity. (Psalm 96:10)
He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. (Psalm 104:5)
First, you have to love the irony of the skeptics here. They pick a
few verses from a book in the Bible titles “Psalms.” Never mind the fact
that “Psalms” are nothing more than heavily poetic religious songs and
Anyway, each of these verses do nothing to suggest the Earth is flat
at all. The only thing they are saying is that God’s creation is
established and untouchable. No one can interfere or “move” what God has
firmly established. If David really doesn’t think the “Earth” moves,
then it is quite silly that he (in the very next verses) goes on to
suggest that mountains (part of Earth) move at God’s commands, along
with everything else.
In Psalms 104:5 as quoted above, just read the whole chapter. David
also says things such as “He lays the beams of his chambers on the
waters” and “he makes the clouds his chariots.”
Does that sound like poetry or literal scientific statements to you?
So is it appropriate to cite a book of poetry which is obviously using
deep exaggerations, metaphors, and imagery and accuse that of scientific
inaccuracy? Of course not. Not unless you also think David literally
thinks clouds are really secretly chariots for God.
Nothing about any of the verses in Psalms suggests the Earth is flat
or immovable. It is poetry. Not a scientific principle. Anyone who reads
even one line of the book of Psalms would realize that fact. In poetry
you write expression such as “my heart raced,” “my stomach had
butterflies,” and things like that. They are expressions based on
“feelings or observations.”
I would be ashamed to even cite a book of poetry in an attempt to condemn it scientifically.
Scripture # 8–In the Gospels, a story is told of Satan taking Jesus to a very high mountain and showing him the kingdoms of the world. Here is the verse in Luke:
And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5)
Skeptics take this to mean that Jesus could see all of the world from
this mountain, therefore, they thought the Earth was flat. This is an
erroneous assumption for a couple of reasons.
- The Bible uses the added phrase “in a moment of time” or “in an instant.” This phrasing suggests that it could have been a mental vision, not a literal vision. Being able to see all of the kingdoms concurrently would not have been possible in a literal sense, for Jesus would have had to turn in each direction in the very least. He could have only seen them all “in an instant” if there was some vision or representative projection or model. So this phrasing suggests not a literal view of the kingdoms, but rather a vision, projection, or model of the kingdoms.
- Second, this is considered the “political” temptation of Jesus. Satan offered him political power now (rather than having to suffer and die and claim it later). Yet Jesus rejected this temptation. That is what this is illustrating. Jesus has a vision or model of all of the Earth’s kingdoms presented, and is offered authority over them all. All Jesus has to do is worship Satan. Jesus rejects it! That is the point.
So this verse does nothing to prove the Earth is flat from the biblical perspective at all.
Scripture # 9–Jesus says in the New Testament that people shall see the son of man “coming in the clouds.” Here is the actual scripture:
“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. (Matthew 24:30)
So because all nations can see Jesus coming, skeptics assume the
worldview is that of a flat Earth. Is this true? Nope. Once again, it
is an erroneous assumption of the skeptics.
Jesus traveled a great deal over his lifetime. The gospels are full
of accounts of him traveling to other lands. Jesus also commands the
apostles to preach to “all nations.”
So it is quite clear from a study of the scriptures that Jesus
himself realizes there are tons of other places on Earth he has not yet
preached, and commands his disciples to go and preach there.
So if Jesus himself didn’t actually visit these places, he knew they
were far off. How then, could all nations that are scattered so far
apart all see the same image in the sky? There are several ways this can
- Turn on your local news station and you will likely see fighting scenes from the middle east. This is rather shocking, as you are not in the middle east, yet you can “see it in your own house.” It is due to the technological advances of our society that allows us to see images from cameras across the world. Therefore, it is rather silly to assume that the news stations would not report and broadcast something as monumental as Jesus coming from the “skies.” We can all see Jesus coming, and the Earth is still round! So that verse does nothing to prove the Earth is flat, as the same thing can happen today and everyone would surely see it.
- Since Jesus’ body is rather small, it would be a speck in the sky. That would be difficult for someone even directly under him to see as he is coming. Therefore, it is not irrational to assume that there will be some sort of great “sign” of his coming, that everyone will be able to see and identify. What kind of sign? I have no idea. But anything such as a grand comet, or anything else would be enough for each of the major nations of the world to witness within a 24 hour time period.
So once again, the skeptics only assume that Jesus can’t be seen by
all nations if the Earth is round. In fact, the Earth is spherical, and
yet all of the major nations could still easily see Jesus’ return. It is
as simple as that.
Scripture # 10—
Last but not least, the skeptics try to point to revelation and the
angels on the corner of the earth (and the 4 winds) as trying to say the
Earth is flat. Here is the scripture in Revelation:
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. (Revelation 7:1)
So is the Earth flat according to John? Nope. Once again, we find a
verse stripped out of context, and manipulated to seem as if the Earth
is flat. So what is meant by the angels and the 4 corners of the earth?
There is a very logical explanation here, and it does not include a flat
What Do the Angels is the 4 Corners of the Earth Mean?
First of all, we must consider what Revelation means. Next, we must
examine what takes place before this verse. After that, we must examine
the original Greek to see what “earth” and “corners” may mean in this
reference. Then, lastly, we must see what transpires after this text.
This entire book of Revelation is speaking of future events, so we
must keep in mind this is all in the future. That gives us a big clue.
The next big clue is what takes place right before this passage. We find
in the previous chapter that 1/4 of the Earth’s entire population is
destroyed. That could be in the billions!
Not only that, but we see significant geological destruction and
alterations happening, which one would logically conclude are
drastically changing the earth’s landscape. Stars (meteors/asteroids)
are falling on the Earth. There are severe earthquakes like there have
never been in history. Every mountain is moved from its place (which
indicates a very rapid and severe tectonic plate movement, which no
doubt could significantly alter the earth’s land pattern as it has in
history with Pangaea). We must not ignore the clear scientific hints of
seismic activity that would no doubt change landscapes.
So if we take a step back and see what is going on, this is what takes place before the angels are at the “4 corners.”
- Major death of 1/4 of all humans and animals
- Severe tecctonic plate movement, asteroids/meteors striking earth, and other abnormally strong natural disasters.
- These things would alter the Earth’s landscape, possibly changing the size, shapes, and relative positions of continents. Some may be combined, some may be broken.
So right off the bat we know the Earth would not look the same as it
does today. The continents could be in a different relative position
(and must be doing something for the severe earthquake activity to
So we know the landmasses are going to appear differently than what
the appear today. We don’t know what they may look like, and we can only
speculate. Of course, the Earth will still most likely be spherical,
but the actual continents could be combined, altered, and so forth.
Okay, now let us examine the original Greek words used for “earth” and “corners.” Let’s first examine “corner”:
γωνιας noun – accusative plural feminine
gonia go-nee’-ah: an angle — corner, quarter
The Greek word used here indicates that it is a corner or 1/4 of a
region. Seems simple enough. So it is a corner or 1/4 of a region. Now,
let us examine the word translated as “earth”:
γης noun – genitive singular feminine
ge ghay: soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application) — country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
The word used for earth here can mean “ground, land, world, country,
region, etc.” In other words, it does not necessarily mean the “entire
earth.” It could mean any specific land region. In fact, we know it
isn’t talking about the whole entire world, because it differentiates
“earth” from “sea.” So this particular verse is obviously speaking of an
isolated region of land, or an entire land mass.
Now, who doesn’t realize at this point that angels could absolutely
stand at 4 “quarters” of a land mass? I know they could! Let us see a
simple drawing to help us see what John may have seen.

4 Angels
Now, in the picture to the left, we can see a land mass. The green
dots represent the location of the angels. As we can see, they are
located on the 4 “corners or quarters” of the “earth” or “land.” Yet, at
the same time the Earth is still spherical.
I am not suggesting Earth will become like Pangea again. All I am
doing is illustrating what the Bible says: John describes 4 angels at 4
corners (or quadrants) of a land (earth) mass. The reference is likely
referring to the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.
A careful examination of the scripture, the original Greek should
clear this up. John is seeing visions of future events. He obviously
somehow seen 4 angels on 4 quadrants/corners or areas of a land mass.
This can all take place on a spherical earth. There is no “flat earth”
implied or intended here. It is a faulty assumption to assume John
believes the Earth is flat.
Furthermore, the text goes on to describe a large gathering of the
original tribes, so this land mass is probably the continent of Asia
(or some remnant of a large land mass in the middle eastern region).
Conclusion of Bible “Flat Earth” Claims
It is quite clear that anyone who takes the time to examine the
alleged “flat earth” verses will quite clearly see that they are either
poetic, describing an observation from a human/earthly perspective, or
some other logical explanation.
No verse exists that attempts to make a scientific statement
regarding the definite shape of the Earth. I have taken the time to
exhaustively answer most all of the alleged scriptures which are taken
out of context to support the “flat earth” notion. This should cover
most all of the scriptures found in any place of the Bible which are
suggested to mean the entire earth is flat.
Does the Bible Suggest a Spherical or Round Earth?
While the Bible never makes a direct statement regarding the shape of
the Earth, there are some astonishing statements which reveal that the
Earth is spherical in nature. Here are some scriptures below:
Scripture #1: Isaiah Says Earth is Circular
In Isaiah, he says this scripture:
Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. (Isaiah 40:21-22)
So Isaiah clearly calls the Earth a “circle.” This clearly shows
that he had a round idea of the Earth. This is interesting for a couple
of reasons.
- First of all, he says God sits above the “circle” of the Earth. Circle can mean “spherical, round, etc.” So he is clearly calling it something round.
- Secondly, this blows away the arguments by the skeptics that the Prophets thought the Earth has “corners.” Hint: A circle doesn’t have a corner. Therefore, why would a man well versed in the scriptures of God call the Earth a circle if he believed it to be a flat cornered piece of land? He wouldn’t! So obviously he believed the Earth was circular in nature.
Isaiah oddly uses the term circle, and it is odd that anyone would
describe the earth that way unless they actually supposed it was
circular in nature.
Scripture # 2: Job Says the Earth is Hung on Nothing
Job writes in a heavily poetic style, yet something incredibly shocking comes out of his writing:
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.(Job 26:7)
Even though Job is accused of suggesting a “flat earth,” it is rather
shocking that he makes this statement, which even in a poetic context,
leaves little to interpretation. Here, he clearly says the Earth “hangs
on nothing.” That is exactly what earth does! It hangs on nothing. It
is sustained by the gravitational force, and nothing more!
This is pretty significant considering at this point in time they
didn’t have the luxury of satellite imagery, or modern science. I find
it hard to believe that Job merely “guessed it.”
This also contradicts the idea that Job believed the Earth had a
“foundation.” In Genesis, nothing of a foundation, or flat area is
mentioned in the scriptures. The Bible is extraordinarily accurate in
the description of the Earth (the one land mass, hanging on nothing,
being spherical, etc.).
Scripture # 3- Proverbs Describes a Circular Earth
Proverbs says this interesting scripture:
When he established the heavens, I was there: When he set a circle upon the face of the deep. (Proverbs 8:27)
Once again, we see a reference to the Earth being ‘circular’ in
nature. Not only does this contradict the claim of “4 corners” (which
was obviously symbolic), but it also proves the consistent thinking of a
spherical earth.
Scripture # 4- Jesus Talks of Both Night and Day within the Same Period
Jesus says this concerning the “coming:”
On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything.Remember Lot’s wife!Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. (Luke 17:31-34)
This verse is interesting because Jesus begins this with a very
specific time frame: 1 day. He also says this all takes place in an
instant. So it occurs in 1 day, and in an instant. Yet, Jesus’
description is of both day and night.
Therefore, it is clear to see from the context and phrasing that
Jesus is suggesting that in one instant it can be both light and dark on
the Earth. This is absolutely true. This is due to Earth spherical
shape and rotation.
So this verse is very interesting as the phrasing implies it can be
both day and night within 1 period of time on Earth, and it is true.
Conclusion: The Bible Never Says the Earth is Flat, and Makes Many References to it Being Spherical
Never does the Bible come out and say, “The earth is flat, and the
sun revolves around it.” However, there are various scripture which do
indicate a spherical Earth.
While some verses are ripped out of context (mostly poems), and
touted to show that the Bible says the Earth is flat, those individuals
are either liars, or fools (take your pick). They are fools if they
honestly believe the Bible is making that claim after examining the
scriptural context, and they are liars if they already know it and claim
a flat Earth any way.
On the contrary, what we see is a circular or spherical description
of the Earth (even by many of the same authors that are alleged to
suggest a flat 4-cornered Earth). There is no reason at all to discount
the Bible.
There is no reason at all to suggest the Bible is scientifically
inaccurate. There is no reason at all to suggest the Bible indicates a
flat earth. There is no reason at all to scoff at the Bible. You don’t
have to follow the Bible, but you certainly cannot disprove it. It has
already been tried for centuries, and cannot (and will not) be shaken.
The Bible stands just as strong today as it did thousands of years
ago. You cannot disprove its authority, and you cannot deny its words of
wisdom. Revelation
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