Submitted by Terence Blackett

The underhanded working of the “Black
Prince” became diabolically subterranean and sinister. In its ethos,
where its reach has now been felt for the last 460 years the “dark
forces” of the underworld planned, schemed, concocted and spun a web of
lying intrigue and subterfuge to mask their evil deeds of deception. We
know however that these malignant powers have been at work for thousands
of years, mangling the world in its tentacles even long before this
Order came of age.
The sinister timeline of Jesuit theology
and its influence has been such that it has infected every nation,
kindred, tongue and people. It has created storm clouds of the magnitude
that 2 major world wars have been fought in its name resulting in what
Edmond Paris describes as:
“A great accumulation of clouds, where
lightning is powerful and the storm is bound to break out… Between 1939
and 1945, the storm killed 57 million souls ravaging and ruining Europe.
We must be on our guard; another and even worse catastrophe may lie
hidden in these same clouds; lighting may strike again, throwing the
world into “abysses human wisdom can foresee”, but out of which, if it
had the misfortune to let itself be thrown into, no power (on earth) could rescue it.” [Emphasis supplied is mine].
Modern Christianity has largely forgotten
the importance of the Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s. Moreover,
its resemblance to the church set up by Christ at His ascension pales in
comparison today for what passes off as the Christian faith.
After 1260 years of papal oppression, the
church awoke after a deep, dense, dark night of sleep to realize that
superstition was rife and the witness for Biblical truth that was slain
and martyred was left for dead, lying in the streets in an age of reason
– a Renaissance bolstered by a move away from feudalism to modernity.
But the dawn of the light of the Reformation meant that the opening of
prophetic revelation (once sealed up) had finally been opened.
On the scene of action came Martin
Luther. It has been said that the Reformation first discovered Jesus
Christ, and then, in the blazing light of Christ, it discovered the
Antichrist. This mighty, Spirit-filled movement, for Christ and against
the Antichrist, shook the world.
H. Grattan Guinness wrote these memorable
words: “From the first, and throughout, that movement [the Reformation]
was energized and guided by the prophetic word. Luther never felt
strong and free to war against the Papal apostasy till he recognized the
pope as Antichrist. It was then that he burned the Papal bull (shit*)
[Emphasis supplied is mine].
But the Jesuits answered!
“In the reaction that followed, all the
powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the
Reformation. War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were
So in 1545 the Council of Trent was set up to counter the Reformation and ending its 3rd
session in 1563 where the Catholic Church hierarchy gave the Jesuits
the specific assignment of destroying Protestantism and bringing people
back to the Mother Church. This was to be done not only through the
Inquisition and through torture, but also through insidious and
pervasive theology.
At the Council of Trent, the Jesuits were
commissioned by the Pope to develop a new interpretation of Scripture
that would counteract the Protestant application of the Bible’s
Antichrist prophecies to the Roman Catholic Church. Francisco Ribera
(1537-1591), a brilliant Jesuit priest and doctor of theology from Spain
published a commentary on Revelation as a counter-interpretation to the
prevailing view among Protestants which identified the Papacy with the
Antichrist. Ribera applied all of Revelation but the earliest chapters
to the end time rather than to the history of the Church. According to
concocted Jesuit theology – The Antichrist would be a single evil person
who would be received by the Jews and would rebuild Jerusalem at the
end of time.
Ribera’s antithesis on the Protestant
Scriptural Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2) as seated in the church of God
—asserted by Augustine, Jerome, Luther and many reformers was now
dispelled and they set up an infidel Antichrist, outside the church of
God. “The result of his work [Ribera’s] was a twisting and maligning of
prophetic truth.”
On the heels of Ribera was Jesuit scholar, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621). The (Futurism)
teachings of these Jesuits has paved the way for much of present day
Christian eschatology especially of the role that the Antichrist will
play in world events in the Last Days – a damnable “LIE” perpetrated
against the Holy Writ – Scriptures which clearly states that the
“spirit” of Antichrist has always been in the world and Paul
acknowledges that the “man of sin” would be revealed in the Apocalyptic
So Jesuit Futurism swept 1,500 years of
prophetic history under the proverbial carpet by inserting its infamous
“GAP” theory – a heresy which teaches that when Rome fell, prophecy
stopped, only to continue again right around the time of the Rapture,
thus the “gap” was created. The ten horns, the little horn, the Beast,
and the Antichrist have nothing to do with Christians until this
“last-day Antichrist” should appear. According to this viewpoint, there
were no prophecies being fulfilled during the 1260 years of the Dark
However, it was during the 19th
century that this Jesuit form of theology took on a spurious global
dimension where the likes of Dr. Samuel Roffey Maitland (1792-1866), a
lawyer and Bible scholar, became a librarian to the Archbishop of
Canterbury and found Ribera doctrines and began to widely publish and
advocate these deceptive teachings.
After Dr. Maitland came James H. Todd, a
professor of Hebrew at the University of Dublin. Todd accepted the
futuristic ideas of Maitland, publishing his own supportive pamphlets
and books. Then came John Henry Newman (1801-1890), a member of the
Church of England and a leader of the famous Oxford Movement
(1833-1845). Newman soon became a full Roman Catholic, and later even a
highly honored Cardinal. Then came the much-respected Scottish
Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving (1792-1834), the acknowledged
forerunner of both the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. When
Irving turned to the prophecies, he eventually accepted the one-man
Antichrist idea of Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine, and Ribera, yet he went a
step further. Somewhere around 1830, Edward Irving began to teach the
unique idea of a two-phase return of Christ, the first phase being a “SECRET RAPTURE” prior to the rise of the Antichrist.
Then came John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) –
a brilliant lawyer, pastor, and theologian, who wrote more than 53
books on Bible subjects and is credited as the father of
Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is the theory that God deals with
mankind in major dispensations or periods. Darby’s contribution to the
development of evangelical theology has been so great that he like
Edward Irving also became a strong promoter of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
followed by a one-man Antichrist. In fact, this teaching has become a
hallmark of Dispensationalism. John Nelson Darby laid much of the
foundation for the present popular removal of Daniel’s 70th week away
from history and from Jesus Christ in favor of applying it to a future
Tribulation after the Rapture.
The greatest of all these Jesuits
subliminal adherents was Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921), a Kansas
lawyer who was greatly influenced by the writings of Darby. In 1909,
Scofield published the first edition of his famous Scofield Reference
Bible. In the early 1900s, this Bible became so popular in American
Protestant Bible schools that it was necessary to print literally
millions of copies. This was the beginning of the end of American
Protestant Christianity and a proper exegetical understanding of
prophecy and the Scripture.
The Moody Bible Institute and the Dallas
Theological Seminary have strongly supported the teachings of John
Nelson Darby, and this has continued to fuel Futurism’s growth. Then in
the 1970s, Pastor Hal Lindsey, a graduate of Dallas Theological
Seminary, released his blockbuster book The Late Great Planet Earth.
This 177-page, easy-to-read volume brought Futurism to the masses of
American Christianity, and beyond. 30 million copies later and in over
30 languages. Through The Late Great Planet Earth, Jesuit Futurism took a strong hold over the Protestant Christian world.
So in the 1990s, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye
and Jerry Jenkins took the future one-man Antichrist idea of Scofield,
Darby, Irving, Newman, Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine, and Ribera, and
turned it into Blockbuster books and movies like Left Behind produced by Jack Van Impe, Peter and Paul Lalonde, and John Hagee. This has been the direction of American Protestant theology which has been pervasive across the globe for the last 30 years.
“The proper eschatological term for the
view most widely taught today is futurism which fuels the confusion of
Dispensationalism. The futuristic school of Bible prophecy came from the
Roman Catholic Church, specifically her Jesuit theologians.”
Who has the right theology—those who were
burned at the stake for Jesus Christ, or those who lit the fires? Who
has the true Bible doctrine—the martyrs or their persecutors? Who has
the correct interpretation of the Antichrist—those who died trusting in
the blood of Christ, or those who shed the blood of God’s dear saints?
This is the real issue today in Christianity…
You be the judge! Source
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