April 24, 2017
There is a bitter war going on, and it’s not over Trumpcare or immigration: It is about vaccines.
media and medical groups, typically funded or backed by Big Pharma,
cast parents who are skeptical about vaccines as conspiracy theorists
whose backward beliefs put the public at risk.
Vaccine skeptics cast vaccine promoters as paid shills, hired by Big Pharma to cover up documented vaccine-related injuries.
mainstream and progressive media coverage (Mother Jones, Alternet,
Huffington Post, Truthout, Progressive, The Nation) there is zero
tolerance for critical debate about vaccine safety. Question why the
hepatitis B vaccine is routinely given to babies at birth—for a disease mainly transmitted through sex and I.V. drug use—and you’re labeled “anti-science.”
Suggest that some vaccines, including those such as the highly promoted HPV Gardasil and Cervarix (both of which have been linked to adverse reactions and death) are not exactly “life-saving,” and you might as well yell “bring back polio.”
media routinely discredits parents of vaccine-injured children,
accusing them of not knowing anything about medicine (except raising
their own challenged child of course) and of "imagining" or even causing
their child's deficits.
Progressive news sites that would never
defend corporate media coverage of Monsanto or GMOs drink the
vaccines-are-safe Kool-Aid. Last month, Jezebel ran this headline:
"Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Call Vaccines Dangerous, Which
They Are Not." In a 2015 article, the Atlantic sneered that "Vaccines Are Profitable, So What?" And the Daily Beast has gone so far as to praise Paul Offit, perhaps the nation’s most extreme vaccine promoter.
wants to ask these progressive sites: Do you really think Pharma has
never steered us wrong, just for the sake of profit? What about all the
drugs that had to be pulled from the market, after Pharma insisted they
were safe? Drugs like Vioxx, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal,
Darvon, Raxar, Redux, Mylotarg, Lotronex, Propulsid,
phenylpropanolamine (PPA), Prexige, phenacetin, Oraflex, Omniflox,
Posicor, Serzone and Duract?
The fact is vaccines are not all safe. That’s why the National Vaccine Injury Compensation (VICP) program, established to provide monetary compensation to victims of vaccine injuries, exists.
The VICP website states:
people who get vaccines have no serious problems. In very rare cases, a
vaccine can cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic
reaction. In these instances, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program (VICP) may provide financial compensation to individuals who
file a petition and are found to have been injured by a VICP-covered
Even the very pro-Pharma
Forbes reports: "It's true that there have been 24,000 reports of
adverse events with Gardasil" and "106 deaths." But the author of the
Forbes article rationalizes: "There have also been 60,000 reports of
adverse events with the mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine, and 26,000
following vaccination with . . . Prevnar, for pneumococcus bacteria."
We ask: Do two wrongs make a right, Forbes?
CDC maintains a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) where
people can see for themselves the adverse effects and deaths related to a
particular vaccine. A search for people who have died from the measles vaccines MEA, MER, MM, MMR or MMRV revealed 416 deaths. Last summer, the mainstream science outlet
EurekaAlert submitted that reading VAERS info “may not build public trust or adherence.”
That is an understatement. More
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