Globalresearch October 19, 2017
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the new
director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). With a $4
billion annual budget, WHO’s decisions affects us all and its decisions
also affect the bottom line of some of the most powerful corporations on
the planet.
Health is political. And health is big business. For instance, WHO
makes dietary and nutrition recommendations that can affect the likes of
Nestle, Unilever, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, General Mills and Kellogg’s. WHO
devises a list of essential medicines that governments should stock for
the health of their people, thereby affecting the sales of major
pharmaceutical companies. It also helps other UN agencies procure
billions of dollars of pharmaceutical products by vetting
manufacturers to ensure they meet WHO standards and specifications.
WHO wants to place restrictions on the use of antibiotics in food and
livestock production, and it also reviews scientific evidence to
appraise the cancer-risk of agricultural chemicals, including Monsanto’s
glyphosate-based Roundup and Dow’s 2,4-D.
As you might imagine, WHO recommendations can have massive
ramifications for big corporations, which can fight tooth and nail to
attack and discredit any WHO decision that could damage their strategic
market positions and financial bottom line. And this is exactly what we
are witnessing right now as Monsanto battles to protect is
multi-billion-dollar money spinner Roundup with yet another smear
campaign, this time against US toxicologist Dr Christopher Portier. Given what happened to Seralini and his team’s study, it’s all highly predictable.
Rosemary Mason writes to the WHO
Due the pivotal role of WHO, Dr Rosemary Mason has
contacted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus through an open letter expressing
major concerns about role of transnational agrochemical/agritech
corporations and the impacts of their products on human health and the
With the focus clearly on Monsanto, Mason brings to the attention of
Ghebreyesus the many lawsuits filed against the company alleging that
Roundup causes cancer. These cases have forced Monsanto to reveal emails
that show it employed ghost-writing, used scientists as paid lobbyists
and targeted those that produced evidence that challenged the company in
order to keep Roundup, its flagship herbicide, on the market by
fraudulent science.
More than 250 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto in US District
Court in San Francisco, filed by people alleging that exposure to
Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin
lymphoma and that Monsanto covered up the risks (Roundup is linked to cancers
of the bone, colon, kidney, liver, melanoma, pancreas and thyroid).
Additionally, at least 1,100 plaintiffs have made similar claims against
Monsanto in state courts, and US attorneys recently came to the
European Union with two plaintiffs to support the Members of the
European Parliament in their Public Hearing on The Monsanto Papers and glyphosate.
WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has declared
glyphosate as a 2A carcinogen. As glyphoaste comes up for re-licensing
in Europe, in a public hearing in Brussels this month, Dr Christopher Portier and Dr Kate Guyton
defended IARC’s position. Dr Portier drew attention to the significance
of statistically significant tumor findings that have not been
discussed in any of the existing reviews on glyphosate.
Portier concluded that as the regulatory bodies, the European Food
Safety Authority and the European Chemicals Agency’s analyses were
scientifically flawed. These organisations had also used industry
studies that were not in the public domain for ‘reasons of commercial
confidentiality’ to support their case that glyphosate was not carcinogenic.
Mason presents a strong case to argue that the US Environmental
Protection Agency and European regulators are colluding with Monsanto
and the European Glyphosate Task Force: despite the evidence (see
Mason’s fully-referenced document ‘Monsanto’ Science is Fraudulent’), they all deny that glyphosate causes cancer.
Corporate hijack of food and farming
Dr Mason goes on to discuss the ‘Green Revolution’ – chemical warfare
on plants, soil and biodiversity – which has been a financially
lucrative venture for Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta and the other major
agrochemical companies.
She identifies the now well-document links between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Revolution and how J.D. Rockefeller’s
‘philanthropy’ was instrumental in helping to destroy traditional
health care practices by having pharmaceutical corporations and
allopathic medicine take over healthcare with chemical ‘cures’.
By referring to my recent article,
Mason brings the director general’s attention to how powerful,
unscrupulous interests have hijacked and redefined both food and
agriculture to the detriment of human health and the environment. Global
corporations have destroyed thousands of years of agriculture; an
ongoing destruction that today rests heavily on the renewal of the
license for glyphosate!
She also documents at length scientific fraud, corruption by
regulatory agencies and collusion at the highest levels of government
that have all conspired to destroy human health. In doing so, she
presents a good deal of scientific evidence that highlights the
deleterious impacts of various agrochemicals on health.
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