Saturday, August 31, 2019

Google vanishing alternative medicine content

August 25th 2019 Greenmed
With about 1 billion health searches happening on Google every day, it's not hard to understand why censoring natural health information serves a multitude of interests, not the least of which is Big Pharma's bottom line.

new analysis released by Bob Troia, Twitter handle Quantified Bob, reveals how health sites have been decimated by Google in the period tracked from April 15th, 2018 to August 15th, 2019.

He posted the following graphic on Twitter on August 25th, 2019, showing as high as a 99.87% decrease in visibility through Google search results, and a 81.14% drop for 

Mayo Clinic and WebMD, on the other hand, saw a 59.98% and 30.71% increase, respectively. The difference in treatment between natural and conventional health websites has lead many to speculate that this was a manually executed penalty targeting the alternative medicine space. One of our colleagues, a Google SEO expert, posted his opinion on the matter here: “Google Takes Position in Controversial Vaccine Safety Debate.”  Be forewarned, the rabbit hole goes deep. Google’s motivations and bias stretch all the way to election manipulation, as we discuss here: "Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its Search Results; Whistleblower Explains How and Why."

However, you don’t have to fall into the stereotypes of a health freedom advocate, vaccine choice, or natural health obsessed organization to feel the pain of Google’s purge., for instance, which prides itself on being entirely science-based, and who has written about how “you do not need to worry about MSG,” “Curcumin is not a panacea,” and “Diet soda is unlikely to hurt your health,” also got hit hard. The founder recently wrote an article to answer the question: “Why has disappeared from search results?” He and his organization played by Google’s rules, yet have all but disappeared from the search results. The same happened to Joe Cohen, founder of Self-Hacked, who wrote an excellent article on the subject here: “Google Is Taking Censorship of Health Websites to The Next Level.”

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