Billionaire Warren Buffet has issued a warning that there is an
upcoming “megacatastrope” on the horizon. Buffet says that when this
apocalyptic scenario plays out, our losses will be immeasurable.
In his annual letter,
Buffet warned of a “megacatastrophe,” which he said will cause
unprecedented havoc not just to victims but to the financial world as
well. “A major catastrophe that will dwarf hurricanes Katrina and Michael will occur – perhaps tomorrow, perhaps many decades from now,”
the Berkshire Hathaway CEO wrote. “‘The Big One’ may come from a
traditional source, such as a hurricane or earthquake, or it may be a
total surprise involving, say, a cyber attack having disastrous
consequences beyond anything insurers now contemplate.”
The financial world is being propped up by central banks and the
debt-based monetary system that far too many trust will eventually meet
its demise. This could cause a worldwide societal collapse of epic proportions.
It could all begin with a disastrous financial crisis. One which we are close to, regardless of what is being said in mainstream media. Economic numbers all over the world continue to get worse, and even New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is now warning of “an unavoidable global recession”.
Unfortunately, most Americans still have absolutely no idea that this
is happening right underneath their noses. Most ordinary citizens are
still under the impression that everything is going to be just fine, but
the numbers suggest otherwise. 78% of Americans live paycheck to
paycheck while 40% don’t have enough money to cover a $400 emergency.
Americans carry record levels of consumer debt and student loan debt while borrowing further with their use of credit cards.
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