will make a few extracts, that the reader may see the broad contrast
between the God of the Bible brought to light through Sabbath-keeping,
and the god in the dark through Sunday-keeping. Catholic Catechism
Abridged by the Rt. Rev. John Dubois, Bishop of New York. Page 5. Ques.
Where is God? Ans. God is everywhere. Q. Does God see and know all
things? A. Yes, he does know and see all things. Q. Has God any body? A.
No; God has no body, he is a pure Spirit. Q. Are there more Gods than
one? A. No; there is but one God. Q. Are there more persons than one in
God? A. Yes; in God there are three persons. Q. Which are they? A. God
the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Q. Are there not three
Gods? A. No; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, are all but one and
the same God.
ideas well accord with those heathen philosophers.... We should rather mistrust that the Sunday god came from the same source that Sunday-keeping did." J. B. Frisbie, Review & Herald, March 7, 1854, The Sunday God, p. 50
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