Skeptics claim the Jesus Christ of the Bible is pure fiction. Yet you can know for certain!
Websites claim that Jesus Christ is a myth. Books say His
extraordinary encounters with people in the Holy Land are mere
inventions. Documentaries assert His execution under the rule of the
Roman government is false.
Their explanations for the true origin
of arguably the most influential religious figure range from bizarre to
just plain silly. One theory is that Jesus and His life are merely a
personification of the symbols contained within the cross of the zodiac
in astrology. His role as the “Son” and His travels with 12 disciples
are believed to be a metaphor for the movement of the “sun” through the
12 constellations.
In short, the worship of Christ is just a continuation of mankind’s fascination with the stars.
claim is that Jesus is a composite of several real-life first-century
figures. Supposedly the notable deeds of these individuals were combined
and mythologized into the person of Jesus Christ. Related is the
thought that He is a character cobbled together from “inauthentic and
over-interpreted” sayings.
One particularly odd rationale is that
Jesus, a man known to advocate peace, was a fabrication of the Roman
government. Crafty officials invented Him as a way to control their
subjects with an alternative to the more threatening revolutionaries
stirring up first-century Israel and posing a threat to Rome.
any of these ideas were true, it would render numerous religious texts
worthless and simultaneously shatter the hopes of billions of faithful
followers. It is one thing to disagree with Jesus Christ’s teachings or
to reject Christianity as a whole, but to dismiss Him as fantasy is
another matter entirely.
Though their opinions about His role may
differ, most followers of the world’s major religions—Christianity,
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, among others—accept that a man known
as Jesus walked the Earth during the first century. This is over
three-quarters of the population alive today.
Most do not question
the existence of a literal Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, books and other
scholarly works maintaining He never lived are on the rise.
is troubling is that proponents of the “Christ myth” sound so confident.
Their bold assertions fill an increasing number of books and articles.
They seem so sure of their conclusions that they can almost sound
These cunning arguments plant doubt in the minds of an
increasingly unchurched generation and further disaffect those fed up
with the hypocrisy of mainstream religion. Even those certain of Jesus Christ’s literal existence can get hung up searching for ways to counter these claims.
principal reasons people claim Jesus is imaginary stem from three major
premises: (1) the charge that there is no secular or non-biblical proof
of His actual existence; (2) claims that the Bible’s New Testament
record has no legitimate historical value; and (3) criticisms that Jesus
Christ’s profile borrows heavily from ancient paganism predating
Most recognize the claim that Jesus never existed
for what it is—absurd. They have no need to be sold otherwise. However,
going through the exercise of dismantling the supposedly “overwhelming
evidence” can still be beneficial.
Doing so will not only increase
your conviction that Jesus Christ actually existed as a man, but will
also help you understand who He really was.
Historical Evidence
Advocates of the Christ myth say there are no sources outside the Bible that corroborate His existence. This is patently false.
The following are a few of the historical accounts recorded soon after Christ’s life.
- Tacitus: As a Roman historian who lived from about AD 56-117, he mentioned the person of Jesus Christ and His execution by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate in his extensive record known as the Annals, which cover the history of the Roman Empire from AD 14-68.
- Suetonius: Another Roman historian who lived from about AD 70-140, he referenced Jesus Christ in his AD 121 work titled The Twelve Caesars, a set of 12 biographies of Roman emperors considered a primary source of Roman history.
In a section on Emperor Claudius, he references Jews being expelled from Rome since they “constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus.” “Chrestus” is commonly seen as a reference to Christ.
Within the section on Emperor Nero, Suetonius further speaks of inflicting punishment on “Christians…given to a new and mischievous superstition.”
- Pliny the Younger: A Roman governor of the Bithynian province who lived from AD 61-113, he wrote a letter around AD 112 to Roman Emperor Trajan about dealing with “Christians” in his province. He noted that this group met “on a certain fixed day” and sang a “hymn to Christ as to a god.” In addition, he explained their commitment “not to do wicked deeds, never commit fraud, theft, adultery, not to lie nor to deny a trust.” Pliny’s remedy for dealing with Christians refusing to worship Roman gods was execution.
- Flavius Josephus: This well-known Roman-Jewish historian and scholar wrote Antiquities of the Jews, a 20-volume historiographical work on the Jewish people. Within it is written, “Jesus, a wise man…who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher…He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks.” The text continues “…Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease.”
Despite the controversy on the authenticity of these direct
references to Jesus Christ, indirect mentions of His person in other
sections such as a reference to “James the brother of Jesus” are less
In each case listed, it should be noted that the scope
of the works of these individuals goes well beyond defending or refuting
the existence of Jesus Christ. His literal presence was simply
acknowledged as an accepted point of history.
While admitting that
unbiased men did mention Christ in their writings, determined skeptics
still argue that they were not actual eyewitnesses of His life, and therefore cannot be believed.
about what is being said, though. By this standard, any historical
record, often a result of compiling oral and written records spanning
many years, could be dismissed as untrustworthy because the person
compiling it did not actually see the subjects mentioned.
denials from skeptics of a literal Jesus become ridiculous, proving
that even an established truth can be made doubtful if a person tries
hard enough.
Also, everyone acknowledging the literal existence of
Jesus cannot be branded “pro-Christian.” One would be hard-pressed to
describe Muslims, Hindus or Jews as such. Muslims commonly recognize
Jesus as an important prophet and Hindus acknowledge His teachings and
effect on history.
The case for the Jews is even more powerful.
They had a hand in His execution because He did not meet their standard
as the coming Messiah. They have every incentive to deny the existence
of a man named Jesus given the criticism they have received and their
continued belief in a coming savior. Though they may not have seen Him
as the “Son of God,” even they acknowledge He existed.
many religious alternatives to the Christian faith could easily dismiss
Christianity as a serious religion by simply agreeing that the figure
central to its belief system never lived—but they do not.
Book of History?
Bible critics are also wrong to believe the New Testament has no
historical value. The New Testament records provable historical facts
such as the construction of Herod’s temple, the wall and foundation of
which can still be seen today.
There are also multiple references
to Roman rule and the destruction of Jerusalem to name a few, which are
all facts of history. Even Christ’s human genealogy is listed in the
gospels. Therefore, the book that details the birth, life and death of a
literal man named Jesus cannot simply be written off as one giant fairy
In addition, archaeologists of every stripe and flavor agree that the Bible contains quite a bit of factual information.
Millar Burrows, a professor who worked at Yale University stated in his book What Mean These Stones?:
“On the whole…archeological [sic] work has unquestionably strengthened
confidence in the reliability of the Scriptural record. More than one
archeologist [sic] has found his respect for the Bible increased by the
experience of excavation in Palestine.”
Later in the book, he wrote, “Archeology [sic] has in many cases refuted the views of modern critics.”
William F. Albright strengthens this case in his book The Archaeology of Palestine:
“The excessive scepticism shown toward the Bible by important
historical schools of the eighteenth-and-nineteenth centuries, certain
phases of which still appear periodically, has been progressively
discredited. Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of
innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition to the value
of the Bible as a source of history.”
Jonathan L. Reed observed in The HarperCollins Visual Guide to the New Testament:
“The many archaeological discoveries relating to people, places, or
titles mentioned in Acts do lend credence to its historicity at one
level; many of the specific details in Acts are factual.”
Yet even more than simple historical facts, you can prove the Bible is God’s Word.
sets Scripture apart from all other history books is prophecy, history
written in advance. Events foretold hundreds of years before they
actually occurred show that the Bible was divinely inspired.
In Isaiah 46:9-10, God challenges skeptics to place fulfilled prophecy next to the record of history. The booklet Bible Authority...Can It Be Proven? will remove any doubt of this Book’s validity. Read it or request a copy.
Another Jesus
What about the supposed pagan roots of Christianity? A warning from
the apostle Paul in II Corinthians begins to answer this question: “But I
[Paul] fear, lest by any means, as the serpent [Satan] beguiled Eve
through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the
simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that comes preaches another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him” (II Cor. 11:3-4).
you catch that? This passage does not describe someone preaching
against the true Jesus Christ. Instead, it describes a totally different
being altogether. This “Jesus,” empowered by a different spirit, and
bringing a different gospel, was being received by true believers.
As shocking as it may sound, this counterfeit Jesus Christ deceives millions today—and he does have pagan roots!
would Satan bother to spread the idea of “another Jesus?” Why not
promote another false god entirely unrelated to Jesus Christ?
any con man will tell you, the most effective lies are those that
contain elements of truth. What better way to deceive millions about the
true Jesus Christ than to come up with an alternative bearing
similarities to Him—even down to His very name! It is no accident that
the devil is known as a master deceiver and the father of lies (John 8:44).
In fact, as Paul stated in II Corinthians 11,
the devil has done this from the beginning. He deceived Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden into eating fruit from “the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil” (Gen. 2:17; 3:6). Recognize that this tree was said by God to have some “good” in it.
false Jesus is a relative clone of many pagan gods in ancient societies
such as Babylon and Egypt. It is this character described in the
“Christ myth” theories. Millions throughout history have been deceived
by this phony Jesus.
Christianity and Mythology
explains the heathen connection: “…the conception of a Saviour-God was
quite normal in the ancient pagan world…a conception of salvation
underlies the notion of such Gods as Osiris, Attis, and Adonis…”
are there so many stories similar to Jesus’ death and resurrection? The
short answer is that instead of paganism influencing Christianity as
many claim, it is actually the other way around. God’s plan for mankind
long pre-dated paganism. God’s promise of a savior, for instance, was
first revealed in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:15). Further prophecies foretold Christ’s coming: Genesis 12:3, 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Deuteronomy 18:15, 18; and Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7, 11:1-5.
All similar pagan stories rip-off what God said He would do!
Perhaps the most popular examples of the worship of the false Christ is the observance of Christmas and Easter. Both of these holidays are deeply rooted in paganism.
is a combination of several pagan symbols and principles. It has no
actual Christian connection outside of the partial truths from the birth
account of the child Jesus (think “knowledge of good and evil”) later
attached to it. The supposed December 25 birth, for instance, is a
continuation of the Roman observance of Saturnalia, which involved
worshipping a sun god. The Christmas tree is a holdover from a
Babylonian idol to which people bowed down.
Easter observance
began anciently as a tribute to the “goddess of spring” or “queen of
heaven” for the arrival of the spring season. The name Easter came from
the Germanic goddess of fertility Austron. She bears an obvious
resemblance to the ancient figures of Ishtar, Ashtoreth and Astarte.
concepts of a “mother and savior” and a “savior-god,” prevalent in
ancient cultures, were combined with facts about the true Jesus Christ’s
torture and death and eventual resurrection to form the modern
observance of Easter.
This explains why both Christmas and Easter
celebrations are so inconsistent with the worship of God in Scripture.
Christmas trees and mistletoe? Santa Claus and reindeer? Easter eggs and
bunny rabbits? Sunrise services and hot-cross buns? These
“Christianized” symbols are all absent from the Bible, but found in
pagan observances.
To expose the pagan roots of Christmas and
Easter is not new. Countless numbers of people have heard this before
and more discover it every year. Some deny or choose to ignore this
connection in an effort to continue keeping these days. But many openly
admit their true origins. They justify keeping them by claiming they are
“not actually worshipping false gods” but “worshipping Jesus Christ”
The God of the Bible speaks against this practice: “…This
people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
Howbeit in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men…Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:6-7, 9).
never commanded the observance of these days—in fact He rejected it!
Tragically, people think they are honoring the God of the Bible with
these celebrations, but their worship is in vain.
All Christian practices and beliefs with pagan roots describe another Jesus. Such facts give anti-religious skeptics fodder to poke holes in supposed Christianity.
How could this happen?
It is clear evidence of the incredible power of Satan, who the Bible says “deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
The devil is such an effective counterfeiter of truth that he has
successfully deceived millions into unwittingly worshipping false gods!
True Savior
In II Corinthians, Paul reveals the reason the devil is bent on
keeping mankind away from the true Jesus: “In whom the god of this world
[Satan] has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (II Cor. 4:4).
The devil’s goal is to keep people ignorant of a major reason Jesus Christ came to Earth as a human being—to announce the gospel
or good news of the coming kingdom of God. Christ was a messenger of
the wonderful opportunity for mankind to inherit eternal life!
Related to His gospel message is the fact that the true Jesus Christ, who is God (John 1:1),
allowed Himself to be killed, thus becoming the perfect sacrifice
required to redeem a sinful mankind cut off from God the Father. His
shed blood was the payment required to deliver man from the death
penalty due to sin (Rom. 6:23).
If Jesus Christ never existed and is simply a made-up idea, mankind could have no relationship with God!
Satan also does not want mankind to realize that the true Jesus Christ is the God or “Lord”
of the Old Testament. Scripture reveals that it was Jesus Christ, in
His pre-human form, who delivered Moses and the Israelites from Egypt (I Cor. 10:4). It was also Christ who interacted with Moses in the burning bush and Adam in the Garden of Eden.
professing Christians believe it was God the Father who filled this
role. This is not true. The God of the first 39 books of the Bible was
the same Jesus Christ who died for our sins as human beings. This
understanding ties the entire Bible together and flies in the face of
those quick to write the Old Testament off as “done away.”
the true Jesus Christ is also the only way to acknowledge the one
Church that He said He would build and that would never be destroyed (Matt. 16:18).
Finding and being part of this Church is how it becomes possible to
realize the tremendous opportunities available in God’s Plan.
you beginning to see why Satan is determined to keep mankind separated
from the true Jesus Christ preached in the Bible? It is his most
effective weapon in preventing man from realizing all the wonderful
things God has put in place for human beings.
Inherent within
Paul’s warning to the Corinthians about worshipping the wrong Jesus is
the fact that there must be a way to tell the difference. As confusing
as it may be to wade through the vast amount of information on the
subject, there is a path to learning and understanding the true Jesus Christ.
There is a vast difference between the popular Jesus Christ known to most and the true
Jesus Christ who walked Earth. The true Jesus Christ was not a weakling
with long hair who taught people that God’s Law was done away. Instead,
He was a powerful figure, known for His ruggedness and masculinity, who
taught that God requires obedience to His Commandments.
the most vital difference between the two Jesus figures is that people
believe they are saved by the false one’s blood. This is not what the Bible teaches. God’s Word clearly states man is “saved by His life” (Rom. 5:10), while he is “reconciled to God” and “justified by His blood” (vs. 9).
The false Jesus is a myth—an utter fabrication! Yet the true, living Jesus Christ reveals the abundant life (John 10:10) for all those who follow His teachings.
only begins to demonstrate the contrast between the two. Much more than
you may realize is at stake for not following the correct one.
Determine to know the truth! Order Mr. David Pack’s thorough book titled, The True Jesus Christ – Unknown to Christianity. The only book of its kind, it lays out in detail the life of Christ.
reading this book you will be able to recognize the true Jesus Christ
among the counterfeits. You will also have a better understanding of His
purpose for coming to Earth and how belief in Him can lead to a
lifetime of happiness and a sense of purpose.
The true Jesus Christ is unknown to almost all—but He can be known to you!
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