Pope Francis’ progressive attitude toward non-Catholics and
non-believers has shocked many followers of God since he took on the
papal position. His inane desire to accept everyone for who they are,
and not reject them for the label they carry, has drawn attention toward
him in both positive and negative lights. He has openly declared that
Catholic individuals who partake in a homosexual lifestyle are welcome
in heaven and should be treated no different than their heterosexual
counterparts. Now, in an announcement that has surprised many in the
Catholic community, Pope Francis has declared that even Atheists are
welcome into heaven, regardless of their non belief in god or religion
as a whole.
Founder of La Repubblica,
Eugenio Scalfari, wrote an article for his newspaper, openly asking
Pope Francis whether the Christian God would openly accept a
non-believer into his heaven, according to the Independent.
Rather than ignore the article written from the non-Roman Catholic
newspaper founder, Pope Francis chose to respond with an open letter to
the paper and its founder, explaining what he believes God would say if
asked the same question.
than respond defensively, Pope Francis chose to keep his tone friendly
and open for further discussion, claiming that those that do not believe
in God are simply ignoring their conscience and that disbelief in
something does not discount its existence.
“You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.”
Pope Francis continued by stating that sin exists in all beliefs.
“Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”
summed up Pope Francis’ comments and stated that the existence of God
is not a matter of belief or disbelief, but a matter of following one’s
“[Y]ou should at least follow your heart, if you’re not going to become Catholic, and that God will be cool with that.”
In other words, it seems as though Pope Francis is saying that one’s
faith, or lack thereof, should not be the basis on which an individual
is judged. Instead, his or her moral character, behaviors, and attitudes
toward others, should be how an individual is judged. However, Pope
Francis’ comments are not limited to religion alone, but also spread
into an individual’s lifestyle.
Scalfari noted that Pope Francis’ comments further advance his
position to unite everyone and open the world to real conversations that
will hopefully lead to love and acceptance of all fellow men and women.
“… further evidence of his ability and desire to overcome barriers in dialogue with all…”
The dialogue Scalfari references goes back to July when Pope Francis
openly accepted homosexuals into the Catholic church, advising that God
loves and accepts them in the same manner as one with a devout
heterosexual faith.
“If someone is gay and is looking for the Lord, who am I to judge him?”
His new remarks lend one to believe that it doesn’t matter whether an
individual is a devout Catholic, homosexual, atheist, a member of ISIS,
or any other living man or woman on the Earth. In the end, it all comes
down to following one’s conscience. If God opens the doors of heaven to
everyone, their earthly belief does not matter, he will still welcome
them into his home.
Francis has created an upheaval of the Catholic church since taking on
the moniker. However, his openness to acceptance has opened dialogue
that previously was suppressed. What are your thoughts on the Pope and
his comments? Inquisitor
Note: The only thing the pope forgot to mention was true repentance. Yes, God loves the sinner but hates sin. We can not live contemplating sin once God's grace has reached us. We need to come closer to God, let go self and begin to have a real experience with Him. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13 KJV
By the way, the word "repentance" is missing in the new bible translations.
Note: The only thing the pope forgot to mention was true repentance. Yes, God loves the sinner but hates sin. We can not live contemplating sin once God's grace has reached us. We need to come closer to God, let go self and begin to have a real experience with Him. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13 KJV
By the way, the word "repentance" is missing in the new bible translations.
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