Published on Dec 5, 2015
In fancy I stood by the shore, one day, Of the beautiful murm’ring sea; I saw the great crowds as they thronged the way Of the Stranger of Galilee; I saw how the man who was blind from birth, In a moment was made to see; The lame was made whole by the matchless skill Of the Stranger of Galilee.
Refrain 1-3:
And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Savior, This Stranger of Galilee. His look of compassion, His words of love, They shall never forgotten be; When sin-sick and helpless He saw me there, This Stranger of Galilee; He showed me His hand and His riven side, And He whispered, “It was for thee!” My burden fell off at the pierced feet Of the Stranger of Galilee.
I heard Him speak peace to the angry waves, Of that turbulent, raging sea; And lo! at His word are the waters stilled, This Stranger of Galilee; A peaceful, a quiet, and holy calm, Now and ever abides with me; He holdeth my life in His mighty hands, This Stranger of Galilee.
Come, ye who are driven and tempest-tossed, And His gracious salvation see; He’ll quiet life’s storms with His “Peace, be still!” This Stranger of Galilee; He bids me to go and the story tell—
What He ever to you will be, If only you let Him with you abide, This Stranger of Galilee.
Refrain 4:
Oh, my friend, won’t you love Him forever? So gracious and tender is He! Accept Him today as your Savior, This Stranger of Galilee.
Refrain 1-3:
And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Savior, This Stranger of Galilee. His look of compassion, His words of love, They shall never forgotten be; When sin-sick and helpless He saw me there, This Stranger of Galilee; He showed me His hand and His riven side, And He whispered, “It was for thee!” My burden fell off at the pierced feet Of the Stranger of Galilee.
I heard Him speak peace to the angry waves, Of that turbulent, raging sea; And lo! at His word are the waters stilled, This Stranger of Galilee; A peaceful, a quiet, and holy calm, Now and ever abides with me; He holdeth my life in His mighty hands, This Stranger of Galilee.
Come, ye who are driven and tempest-tossed, And His gracious salvation see; He’ll quiet life’s storms with His “Peace, be still!” This Stranger of Galilee; He bids me to go and the story tell—
What He ever to you will be, If only you let Him with you abide, This Stranger of Galilee.
Refrain 4:
Oh, my friend, won’t you love Him forever? So gracious and tender is He! Accept Him today as your Savior, This Stranger of Galilee.
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