08:29, 17 Nov 2015
To state the obvious, the world has a problem with fundamentalism.
comes in all shapes and sizes. At its heart, fundamentalism is an
unmovable conviction that one world view, be it religious,
philosophical, economic or cultural, has a monopoly on all truth and
everything outside that view is inherently false.
There is no
room for discussion, journeying, dialogue or mutual understanding, just a
fixed, often aggressive and sometimes appallingly destructive
entrenched position.
When fundamentalism
corrupts and distorts faith and religion, it is particularly potent as
the world view is ‘sanctioned by God’ and so your opponents become
opponents of the Almighty.
When fundamentalism erupts
into appalling violence such as we have recently seen in Beirut, Kenya,
Syria, Iraq and Paris, to name but a few places, we struggle to know
what the most effective response is to challenge, contain and dismantle
such terrible ideologies. Fundamentalist ideologies bring nothing but
chaos, fear, destruction and death.
We struggle to know how to
respond because of cause fundamentalists' identity depends on opposition
("I am right, you are wrong"), so they constantly attack in order to be
attacked back. They feed off escalating conflict and retaliation.
Woodhead, Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, said: "So if
Europeans are being humane to Muslim asylum seekers, (the Islamic
fundamentalists) will try to provoke them to be horrible ('see they
really DO hate all Muslims').
"We should not let them set the
agenda in this way. We should continue to set our own agenda, and stick
to it. The European agenda is about peace, liberty, justice and
toleration of difference - not hatred, revenge and uniformity."
Over the last few days the media and social media have often been
polarised and simplistic in commenting on the events in Paris and the
history leading up to such devastating attacks. We do ourselves no favors with simplistic slogans, condemnations and denials because the
web of issues, attitudes and histories is far too complex to be reduced
down to soundbite commentary.
And so it is with
the risk of over simplification that I offer comment within the
constraints of the length of this column, and my comments are one:
fundamentalists love people to either join them or oppose them, they
thrive on both.
Most people I know and, I am sure, most readers
of this article know that we want to live lives characterised by
openness, tolerance, the celebration of diversity, living with
differences and loving our neighbour whether near or far, like us or
very different.
And two: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do
that.’" - Martin Luther King Jr
Ultimately the forces of fundamentalism won’t be defeated by military
might or even economic pressure or diplomat manoeuvrings, they will be
defeated by light and love. Let’s make sure we endeavour, through our
words and through our living, to be part of that world changing story.
God bless.

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