What does the Vatican do when it wants to hide the truth?
Kill the messenger.
Last weekend, the Vatican police arrested two individuals who had served on the current pope’s commission to investigate the finances and economic structure of the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, a top Vatican official for economic affairs, and public relations specialist Francesca Chaouqui are charged with suspicion of leaking confidential information to journalists which was deemed a criminal act in 2013 after the previous pope’s butler triggered what is now referred to as VatiLeaks.
Coincidentally – or not – two new books about Vatican scandals will be released this week, Avarice by Emiliano Fittipaldi and Merchants in the Temple by Gianluigi Nuzzi.
Please ask yourself, “Why is the Vatican so quick to arrest journalists on mere ‘suspicion’ when it continues to employ, financially support, and assign to parishes known serial sex offenders?”
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