John Kerry would probably enjoy hearing that he is a master of propaganda meaning master of the big lie. Joseph Goebbels was born in 1897 and died in 1945. Goebbels was Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda and one of the most important and influential people in Nazi Germany.
Kerry works for President Obama and it seem like these teams of men
have enjoyed lying to people. Goebbels met a nasty end, poisoning his
six children, his wife and then himself.
If you tell a lie, tell a big one. The essence of propaganda consists
in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in
the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it.
Joseph Goebbels
in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in
the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it.
Joseph Goebbels
Secretary of State John Kerry says that global warming skeptics
should be disqualified from "high public office." French
mathematicians, on the other hand, blast the ‘absurd, costly &
pointless crusade’ against global warming. “The figures that are being
released are biased and dishonest,” says damning paper drawn up by a
society of French mathematicians. “(This) crusade is absurd.” “You
would probably have to go quite a long way back in human…history to
find [such a] mad obsession,” according to a translated summary of the
document released in September by the Paris-based Société de Calcul Mathématique SA.
A new NASA study,
released at the end of October, admits that ice is accumulating in
Antarctica. Satellite measurements show an 82-112 billion tons-a-year
net icegain.“The good news is that Antarctica is not currently
contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per
year away,” said Jay Zwally, a glaciologist with NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and lead author of the study. To
say the world is warming while incredible amounts of ice are
accumulating driving sea levels down (not up) reveals the extent of the
global warming scam.

Greenland Summit camp has tied the lowest ever October low
temperature on record. Somewhat hard for the ice to melt in Greenland
when the temperature drops to -55°C (-67°F) as they have this month.
“Greenland has gained almost 200 billion tons of snow and ice over the
past two months, which is more than 50% above normal.” Low temperatures
for 20 days in most of Argentina created the coldest October since 1963, according to the National Meteorological Service. Christchurch, New Zealand, recorded its coldest November temperature in more than 60 years, with a low of -2.8°C at the airport.

“US government climate experts say that Greenland is overheating and
melting down, because they are criminals paid to lie to push Obama’s
political agenda.” says Steven Goddard.
Michael Bastasch
writes, “After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its
22nd year without statistically significant warming trend, according to
satellite-derived temperature data. Since September 1994, University
of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no
statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years
there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will
soon be entering into year 22 with no warming trend apparent in
satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s
atmosphere. Satellite data from the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) group
also shows a prolonged “hiatus” in global warming. After November of
this year, RSS data will be in its 22nd year without warming.
Ironically, the so-called “hiatus” in warming started when then vice
President Al Gore and environmental groups touted RSS satellite data as
evidence a slight warming trend since 1979.”
Yet delusional President Barack Obama
argued at the end of October that it is a “dereliction of duty” to
deny the existence of climate change during his commencement address to
the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. The president also told the academy’s
graduates that denying climate change “endangers our national security”
and “undermines the readiness of our forces.” I really wonder if he is
that delusional or American intelligence that blind, or is he just
being paid to continue with the biggest lie that has ever been put
forth in the history of the human race. The leaders of the world, and
their minions in the media, have invested so much into this lie that
they are in over their heads now.
Meanwhile record snowfall
paralyzed the main highway in Chabarovsk, in far eastern Siberia on
October 23. Motorists admitted that they were not prepared for
disaster, and did not have time to change summer tires for winter. In
Russia, they do not believe in global warming and Russian President Vladimir Putin believes global warming is a “fraud,” which it is but that does not stop many from believing in it.
Although it is the middle of autumn, parts of Kashmir seems like winter.
For last two days Mughal Road, which connects Kashmir valley with
Pirpanjal region, has remained closed stranding hundreds of trucks
along the key passage. Met department officials say they have no record
of heavy snowfall in the Valley during the month of October. Now its
early November in what is supposed to be the warmest year in forever
and it’ssnowing in California.
Read the Headlines – Sure Looks like Global Warming
Killington Basin is first ski resort in North America to open this season. This is the first time in more than a decade that skiing has started this early
at Killington, resort spokesperson Michael Joseph said. There hasn’t
been this much ice on Hudson Bay in 23 years for the period June 25 to
October 22.
NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration is lying about the data
in order to set us up for ratification of a fraudulent UN "Climate
Change Treaty" that will be shoved down the throats of the people of
the world in December at the upcoming meeting in Paris.
Congress wants NOAA to explain why it suddenly chose to “adjust” the
temperature data from earlier years, thereby making current years
appear warmer by comparison. The House has subpoenaed NOAA’s emails and
records accordingly. According to the Christian Science Monitor, NOAA is refusing to give up it’s records to Congress.
Many people just do not want to believe that our planet is
experiencing cooling because of diminishing solar activity and
increasing volcanic activity. In fact, they go ballistic when
confronted with facts preferring to stick to the fantasies of presidents, secretary of states and Popes.
400 ppm | 0.0400% |
Their greatest fantasy is that CO2 is a dangerous gas that is
increasing because of human activity thus creating global warming.
“Svante August Arrhenius, a Swedish Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry in
1903, who is acknowledged as the father of the CO2 driven global
warming hypothesis, and supposedly one of the greatest scientists of
his time, said in a 1910 newspaper article,
“The present proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is about one part
in 2,500.” 1:2,500 CO2 molecules is 4:10,000, which is 400 ppm by
volume. Today, according to consensus reading of CO2, concentrations remain pretty much the same. According to NOAA, present concentrations in September 2015 are at 397.64 ppm. The forests on earth are flourishing with the CO2 emissions
and are probably absorbing most of it. Elevated levels of carbon
dioxide enhance plant growth. However, it is evident that the oceans of the world have absorbed as much of a third of human CO2 emissions.
Though trees love CO2 ocean creatures do not as CO2 acidifies ocean
waters. This is a much better reason, a real reason for humans to cut
their carbon footprint.
Global warming is a fraud
but Kerry is right about one thing, those who favor fraud should be
excluded from not only high office but rightfully should find
themselves in jail. Almost every day we read about this fraud. The
latest published in Yahoo is:
“The United Kingdom’s meteorological office announced Monday that
the global average temperature this year is set to rise 1.02 degrees
Celsius above the preindustrial average. If temperatures for October
through December play out as predicted, 2015 will be the first year to
breach the one-degree mark, meaning world temperatures are approaching
the halfway point to a 2-degree Celsius rise. That’s the threshold
scientists say the world surface temperature must remain below to avoid
the catastrophic impacts of global warming.”
This is what the article on Yahoo would have us fear. Typical
example of the corruption in the media for now we know that the
tremendous ice increases in Antarctica and Greenland are sucking up
waters from the oceans sending levels down not up.
"As winter looms,
the sight of thousands of refugees sleeping rough as they make their
way through Europe represents a damning indictment of the EU’s failure
to offer a coordinated response to the refugee crisis," said John
Dalhuisen of Amnesty International. An early winter is threatening not
global warming with increasing temperatures that end the menace of
severe winters.

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas AssociationDoctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Dr Sircus
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